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CUET Marks vs Percentile 2024: Marks, Percentile, Rank

CUET 2024 marks versus percentile analysis will help candidates calculate their CUET percentile based on the CUET marks they achieved. If your CUET 2024 score is between 188 and 220, your expected percentile is 99-100. Scroll down to know more!

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CUET Marks vs Percentile 2024: The CUET 2024 marks versus percentile analysis will help candidates calculate their CUET percentile based on the CUET marks they achieved. For instance, if your marks range from 200 to 188, your CUET percentile may be 100. If your marks come between 79 and 70, your CUET percentile could be between 83 and 80. Based on last year's CUET Marks vs Percentile analysis, a normalised NTA score of 180-230 will be enough to achieve a 99+ percentile. This score and percentile range allow admission to India's top-ranked colleges, including DU, BHU, and JNU. If your CUET 2024 score falls between 188 and 220, your expected percentile is 99-100.

Also Read:How to Calculate CUET Score 2024?

NTA uses a normalisation technique to convert CUET Marks to CUET Percentile, removing any potential bias caused by the exam's difficulty level on some days. However, this year NTA is not using normalisation method for CUET UG 2024. Furthermore, for some CUET candidates, the concept of CUET 2024 Marks vs Percentile 2024 may cause confusion. To clear up any confusion, CollegeDekho has compiled a detailed article on CUET Marks vs Percentile 2024 that will explain every detail.

Mainly, candidates for the CUET 2024 can calculate their marks in two ways: CUET marks and percentile. The CUET 2024 will be held for a 100 percentile. The CUET marks are the total marks obtained by the candidates from the total CUET marks. However, the CUET percentile calculates and compares a candidate's scores to those of other candidates. To be eligible for the CUET UG Exam, candidates must meet the CUET 2024 minimum pass marks. The CUET cutoff 2024 will differ for each college and university during the CUET UG Exam admission process. The CUET 2024 marks and percentile are used by universities in the admission process. The CUET percentile represents normalised scores, not actual scores. The percentile is widely used because it accurately measures a candidate's performance while also taking into account the exam's difficulty level and the number of candidates who took the CUET 2024 exam.

Continue reading to know more about CUET marks vs percentile 2024!

The CUET UG Result 2024 was tentatively scheduled to be released on June 30, 2024, but it got delayed. The CUET 2024 results were supposed to be declared on June 30, 2024. However, due to a delay in the release of the provisional answer key, that is not possible. The NTA has announced the CUET UG result dates for 2024. The answer key for CUET 2024 will be released shortly, and the result will follow similarly.

Also Read: CUET UG 2024 Dress Code

CUET Marks vs Percentile 2024

The CUET marks vs Percentile 2024 tool can help candidates estimate their CUET 2024 percentile based on their exam results. They can predict their admission by looking at the CUET marks vs rank 2024 analysis. Candidates are provided with the expected CUET 2024 marks vs percentile, which is only prepared for domain-specific subjects. The following table depicts the expected CUET 2024 marks vs percentile analysis prepared by experts.

Marks Range


200 - 188


187 - 170


169 - 150

98 – 97

149 - 130

96 – 95

129 - 110

94 – 93

109 - 90

92 – 90

89 – 80

89 - 84

79 – 70

83 - 80

69 – 60

79 - 75

59 – 50

74 – 70

49 – 40

69 – 55

39 – 20

54 – 30

What are CUET 2024 Marks?

The term "CUET 2024 marks” merely denotes the overall score for which candidates write the CUET exam. For the CUET 2024 exam, students will receive 100 marks, with 1 mark given for each right answer and 0.25 points deducted for each wrong answer, according to the National Testing Agency (NTA). Questions that remain unanswered will not be scored. If more than one option is correct, only students who have marked any of the correct options will receive 5 marks. If all options are correct, all students who have attempted the question will receive 5 marks. If none of the options are correct, or a question is dropped or found to be wrong, all students who have attempted the dropped question will receive 5 marks.

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What is CUET 2024 Percentile?

CUET Percentile scores are prepared based on the raw score obtained by the test takers. Candidates must note that CUET Percentile scores are different from the CUET raw scores. The National Testing Agency has already adopted the Normalization process to calculate CUET scores for the candidates. Candidates must understand that the marks secured by candidates are changed on a scale ranging from 100 to 0. As a result, the highest scorer in the CUET 2024 exam will remain as the topper securing the 100 percentile.

Difference Between the CUET Marks & Percentile


CUET Marks

CUET Percentile

What is it?                                                           

Marks are the scores that a candidate receives for each subject                                                                                                                                              

This measures a particular candidate's score compared to the scores of other candidates

How is it calculated?

The sum of the scores in each subject

The number of candidates who scored equal to or lower than a particular score divided by the total number of candidates who appeared in the exam

How is it used?

To determine the rank of the candidate for admission  

To determine the rank of the candidate for admission

Check Now: CUET Passing Marks for DU

Factors Influencing CUET Marks vs Percentile 2024

There are several factors that can influence your CUET marks and percentile. Check below:

  • Total number of candidates 

  • Exam difficulty can affect percentile calculation

  • If a large number of candidates score the same marks, it can lead to a significant shift in percentiles

Calculation of CUET Percentile Score 2024

CUET percentile is calculated based on the relative performance of all the candidates who appear for the examination. For each session, candidates' marks are altered on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. The CUET percentile represents the percentage of candidates that have either scored equal to or less than that specific percentile in that exam. CUET 2024 Percentile Score can be calculated by the Formula given below:

 Percentile Score =

100 X Number of candidates who appeared in the ‘Session’ with raw score either equal to or less than the candidate
Total number of candidates who appeared in the session

To decrease ties and prevent the bunching effect, the CUET percentile scores will be calculated up to seven decimal places. This is how the calculation of percentile scores is done. 

Also Read: BBA Courses Under CUET 2024

CUET Passing Marks 2024

Candidates may select their preferred university for admission if they meet the minimum requirements of that university. Here are the specific requirements for admission based on CUET 2024 pass marks.

  • For CUET 2024, a passing score will require a minimum of 300 to 400.
  • For both A and B, the minimum passing scores for CUET Section I - Language will be between 80 and 90.
  • For Section II - Domain-Specific Subjects in the CUET, a score of more than 120 is required to pass.
  • For Section III of the General Aptitude Test, the CUET minimum passing score will be greater than 120.
  • In addition, the results of the personal interview and the CUET exam will be considered in determining the passing score.
  • Furthermore, candidates must be aware that some colleges assign a weight of 85% to CUET qualifying scores, with the college or university's personal interview round determining the final 15% of the weight.

CUET Normalization Method 2024

In previous years, the National Testing Agency used the Normalisation Method for CUET, which is conducted over multiple days and shifts. However, this year's CUET UG 2024 will not use the Normalisation Method. To calculate percentile scores, the NTA made average and normalised the test takers' average marks. NTA released percentile scores following normalisation. Mainly, the percentile scores represent the percentages secured by candidates. Further, the CUET results were released after normalisation process only. To know more check the CUET 2024 Normalization process based on percentile score here.

Do you want to know the List of Universities Accepting CUET 2024 Score? Check here!

Hope this article on CUET Marks vs Percentile 2024 will help you. Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for the latest updates on CUET 2024.

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What is a good score on the CUET exam?

The good score for CUET 2024 is 500-700 out of a total of 800 marks.

How is the CUET score calculated?

The CUET score is calculated by the CUET marking system decided by NTA.

How is the CUET Marks vs Percentile calculated for admission?

CUET Marks or Percentile are calculated based on the performance of candidates in the CUET exam.

How are CUET marks converted into a CUET percentile score?

CUET Marks are converted into a percentile score using a statistical formula. The formula considers the distribution of scores among all candidates.

What is the difference between CUET marks and percentile?

CUET Marks are the total score achieved in the exam. On the other hand, the Percentile is a candidate's relative performance compared to other test-takers.

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This year, admission to Degree courses in Andhra Pradesh are based on an online counselling process conducted by the Higher Education Department. You can fill the Common Application Form on our website for admission-related assistance. You can also reach us through our IVRS Number - 1800-572-9877.


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Rajeshwari De, Student / Alumni

Dear Student,

This year, admission to Degree courses in Andhra Pradesh are based on an online counselling process conducted by the Higher Education Department. You can fill the Common Application Form on our website for admission-related assistance. You can also reach us through our IVRS Number - 1800-572-9877.


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