GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT Questions
GATE MCQ for Electrical Engineering are asked from various topics like Electric Circuits, Signals and Systems, Electromagnetic Fields etc. In order to ace the GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions in the exam, you are advised to practice them consistently, solve pyqs and take mock tests.
GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT Questions: GATE MCQ for Electrical Engineering is a great resource to secure good marks in the GATE 2025 exam. In order to solve the GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions easily, you are advised to practice them as much as possible from the previous year question papers. While solving them, you will be able to understand the concepts, analyze your knowledge, and get an idea about time management. The GATE MCQ for Electrical Engineering will be asked from various topics such as the Effect of Dielectric Medium, Capacitance of Simple Configurations, Measurement of Voltage, Current, Power, Energy, and Power Factor etc. You can get more information about the GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions from this article.
Also Check - GATE 2025 Electrical Engineering: Exam Date (Feb 2), Syllabus, Question Papers, Pattern, Cutoff
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Most Important GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT Questions
The exam paper of GATE Electrical Engineering will contain a total of 3 types of questions ie. MCQs, MSQs, and NATs. The Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will be structured as per the topics involved in the GATE 2025 Electrical Engineering syllabus PDF. Hence, you are advised to keep up with the complete syllabus and practice as many GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions as possible to solve them with ease in the examination.
There will be various topics related to which MCQ, MSQ and GATE EE NAT questions will be asked. You can find some of the sample GATE EE MCQ questions below:-
Q1. How many 200 W/200 V incandescent lamps connected in series would consume the same total power as a single 100 W/200 V incandescent lamp?
a) Not Possible
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2
Ans. d) 2
Q2. Two incandescent light bulbs of 40W and 60W rating are connected in series across the mains. Then:
a) the bulbs together consume 100 W
b) the bulbs together consume 50 W
c) the 60 W bulb glows brighter
d) the 40 W bulb glows brighter
Ans. d) the 40 W bulb glows brighter
Q3. Energy stored in a capacitor over a cycle, when excited by an a.c. source is:
a) the same as that due to d.c. source of equivalent magnitude
b) half of that due to a d.c. source of equivalent magnitude
c) zero
d) none of the above
Ans. b) half of that due to a d.c. source of equivalent magnitude
Q4. A balanced delta-connected load of (8 + j6) ???? per phase is connected to 400V, 50Hz, 3-phase supply lines. If the input power factories are to be improved to 0.9 by connecting a bank of star-connected capacitors, the required KkV AR of the bank is:
a) 42.7
b) 10.2
c) 28.8
d) 38.4
Ans. b) 10.2
Q5. A unit step voltage is applied at t = 0 to a series RL circuit with zero initial conditions.
a) It is possible for the current to be oscillatory
b) The voltage across the resistor at t = o+
c) The energy stored in the inductor in the steady state is zero
d) The resistor current eventually falls to zero
Ans. b) The voltage across the resistor at t = o+
Q.6 A rectangular voltage pulse of magnitude V and duration T is applied to a series combination of resistance R and capacitance C. The maximum voltage developed across the capacitor is:
a) V [ 1 - exp (-T/RC)]
b) VT/RC
c) V
d) V exp (-T/RC)
Ans. a) V [ 1 - exp (-T/RC)]
Q7. The average power delivered to an impedance (4 - 3) ???? by a current 5 cos (100 ???? + 100) A is:
a) 44.2 W
b) 50 W
c) 62.5 W
d) 125 W
Ans. b) 50 W
Q8. A two-phase load draws the following phase currents: i1 (t) = Imsin (wt - Ø1), i2 (t) = Im cos (wt - Ø2). These currents are balanced if Ø1 is equal to:
a) -Ø2
b) Ø2
c) (????/2 - Ø2)
d) (????/2 + Ø2)
Ans. b) Ø2
Q9. In a series RLC circuit at resonance, the magnitude of the voltage developed across the capacitor:
a) is always zero
b) can never be greater than the input voltage
c) can be greater than the input voltage, however, it is 90° out of phase with the input voltage
d) can be greater than the input voltage, and is in phase with the input voltage
Ans. c) can be greater than the input voltage, however, it is 90° out of phase with the input voltage
Q10. A series R-L-C circuit when excited by a 10V sinusoidal voltage source of variable frequency, exhibits resonance at 100 Hz and has a 3dB bandwidth of 5Hz. The voltage across the inductor L at resonance is:
a) 10V
b) 10√2V
c) 10/√2V
d) 200V
Ans. d) 200V
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Q11. The RMS value of half - wave rectified symmetrical square wave current of 2A is:
a) √2A
b) 1A
c) 1/√2A
d) √3A
Ans. a) √2A
Q12. A circuit with a resistor, inductor, and capacitor in series is resonant at fo Hz. If all the component values are now doubled, the new resonant frequency is:
a) 2 fo
b) still fo
c) fo/4
d) fo/2
Ans. d) fo/2
Q13. A sinusoidal source of voltage V and frequency f is connected to a series circuit of variables resistance, R and a fixed reactance, X. The focus of the tip of the current phasor, I, as R is varied from 0 to ∞ is:
a) a semicircle with a diameter of V / X
b) a straight line with a slope of R / X
c) an ellipse with V / R as major axis
d) a circle of radius R/ X and origin at (0, V / 2)
Ans. a) a semicircle with a diameter of V / X
Q14. Two magnetically uncoupled inductive coils have Q factors q1 and q2 at the chosen operating frequency. Their respective resistances are R1 and R2. When connected in series, their effective Q factor at the same operating frequency is:
a) q1R1 + q2R2
b) q1/R1 + q2/R2
c) (q1R1 + q2R2) / (R1 + R2)
d) q1R2 + q2R1
Ans. c) (q1R1 + q2R2) / (R1 + R2)
Q15. If an ac voltage wave is corrupted with an arbitrary number of harmonics, then the overall voltage waveform differs from its fundamental frequency component in terms of:
a) only the peak values
b) only the rms values
c) only the average values
d) all the three measures (peak, rms and average values)
Ans. d) all the three measures (peak, rms and average values)
Q16. A fixed capacitor or reactance -j0.02 Ω is connected in parallel across a series combination of a fixed inductor of reactance j0.01 Ω and a variable resistance R. As R is varied from zero to infinity, the locus diagram of the admittance of this L-C-R circuit will be:
a) a semi-circle of diameter j100 and center at zero
b) a semi-circle of diameter j50 and center at zero
c) a straight line inclined at an angle
d) a straight line parallel to the x-axis
Ans. a) a semi-circle of diameter j100 and center at zero
Q 17. The average value of the voltage wave V = 110 + sin (314t – 25o) volts is:
a) 110 V
b) 200 V
c) 177 V
d) 220 V
Ans. a) 110 V
Q 18. The materials to be used in manufacture of a standard resistance should be:
a) High resistivity and low temperature coefficient
b) Low resistivity
c) High temperature
d) None of the above
Ans. a) High resistivity and low temperature coefficient
Q 19. What does the size of the transformer core depend on?
a) Frequency
b) Permissible flux density in the core material
c) Area of the core
d) Both a) and b)
Ans. d) Both a) and b)
Q 20. For highly dropped diode:
a) Zener breakdown is likely to take place
b) Avalanche breakdown is likely to take place
c) Both a) and b)
d) Neither a) nor b)
Ans. a) Zener breakdown is likely to take place
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CollegeDekho Pro Tips for Solving GATE MCQ for Electrical Engineering
We know that the preparation of such a competitive exam as GATE can be a bit tough and you might struggle to solve the GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions. But don’t worry, as here, we have provided some pro tips that you can follow to easily solve the GATE MCQ for Electrical Engineering:-
Focus on the core topics
Practice GATE previous year question papers as much as possible
Remember all the formulae and understand the concept behind them
Join different study groups
Follow the preparation tips given by previous toppers
Practice the numerical problems
Time yourself while solving the MCQ, MSQ and NAT questions
Study from the recommended material
Participate in the mock test series
Create a realistic and strict study plan and timetable
Prepare flashcards of different concepts and formulae
What are GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT Questions?
There will be 3 types of questions in the exam of GATE Electrical Engineering, ie, MCQ, MSQ, and NAT questions. Not only these questions but their answering method will also differ. Saying in a crux, where in MCQ, there are only 4 correct questions, on the other hand, MSQs will hold various correct answers. More detailed description about the GATE 2025 EE MCQ, MSQ, and NAT questions can be found below:-
- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): In the MCQ questions, there will be 4 options, from which you will be required to choose only 1 correct answer. Please know that opting for a wrong answer will result in negative marking.
- Multiple Select Questions (MSQs): These questions have several correct answers and to earn marks, you will have to select all the correct options. There will be no negative marking in the MSQs.
- Numerical Answer Type Questions (NATs): These are the numerical problems that you need to solve mathematically. These questions typically have an answer in decimal form. The authority does not follow any kind of negative marking in the NATs.
GATE EE MCQ, MSQ and NAT Questions Marking Scheme
The EE exam of GATE 2025 will be scored based on the specified marking scheme. You must have a good knowledge of the GATE EE marking scheme if you are an upcoming exam taker. Find the GATE EE MCQ, MSQ, and NAT questions marking scheme in the table below:-
Types of Questions | Marking Scheme |
MSQ | No negative marking |
NAT | No negative marking |