How to Score 90 Percent in Class 10? - Subject-Wise Preparation Tips to Score 90%

Getting a high score in class 10th is everyone's goal. To help you achieve it, we have shared some information on How to Score 90 Percent in Class 10 here:

How to Score 90 Percent in Class 10?: Class 10 board exams are right around the corner for most students in India. By now, almost every state board has released the timetables and students must have completed the CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2025. Sometimes preparing for board exams can be very stressful for the students. Students appearing for the upcoming board exam can go through the CBSE Class 10 Exam Preparation Tips 2025. Preparing for the class 10 board exam is extra stressful because it is the first board exam for the students. As scary as it sounds, board exams are not very difficult if students have the right guidance. There are some simple tips and tricks that students can accommodate in their daily lives to help them take the board exam. 

The Council released the CBSE 10th Date Sheet 2025 on November 20, 2025. The CBSE class 10 board exams will be conducted from February 15 and March 18, 2025. Other state board exams will also be conducted in February or March 2025. As we await the detailed date sheet for the board exams, students must start the preparations. Given below, we will be answering the much-anticipated question of, “ How to Score 90 Percent in Class 10?”. Try to use these steps and gain a high score in your class 10 board exams accordingly. 

CBSE Class 10 Latest Updates 2025

  • February 13, 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the class 10th exams from 15th February 2025. The result will be released on 13th May 2025 tentatively on the official website at

How to Score 90 Percent in Class 10?

While preparing for the class 10 board exam, students can focus on some general tips and tricks. Take into account the pointers below to achieve a good result: 

  • Focus on all subjects equally: Try to make a study plan that gives importance to all the subjects coming in your board exams equally. Allot a minimum amount of time every day for each subject. 
  • Complete NCERTs: Try to complete your NCERT before moving on to side books. CBSE and other important major boards focus on giving questions from NCERTs only.
  • Work on your weaknesses: Make sure that you are working on your weaknesses and strengthen your strong points. Try to cover the most difficult chapters first so that you can clear the concept in due time and revise them accordingly.
  • Prepare Handwritten notes: Making handwritten notes while preparing for the board exam is one of the most effective methods of retaining information while writing the answers during the board exams. 
  • Practice Writing Answers: Most of the time, students write answers in the board exams without following a specific format which results in them getting fewer numbers even if they had 100% preparation. Try to go through the previous year's topper answer sheets available on the Internet. Focus on systematically writing answers. 
Must Read: CBSE 10th Exam Pattern 2025

How to Score 90 Percent in Class 10: Subject-Wise Tricks 

Students in India typically study a few main subjects in the Class 10 curriculum. Here are subject-specific tips to help achieve a high score:


  • Make a list of all formulas: When preparing for Math as a subject, the students must note down the formulas and basic conversions. It will help them to flip through the formulas quickly.
  • Time Management: It can be very difficult for the students to complete Math papers on time. You must solve sample papers and calculate the time that you are taking to solve each question for practice.
  • Practice Graphs: Students tend to ignore graphs because of the low weightage that they carry. However, you must go through the graphs chapter to gain some free points.
  • Answer in steps: When answering questions make sure that you are answering in clear steps so that the examiner can give you step marks. 
  • Move on to side books only after completing NCERTs: Students are first required to complete the exercises in NCERT and then move on to the side books to clear their concepts.
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  • Study in small intervals: Science can be a very extensive subject so make sure that you are studying in small intervals to not overburden yourself.
  • Practice Diagrams: Make sure to always practice the diagrams attached to your chapters because if you draw diagrams then you will be provided extra marks. 
  • Note down important formulas and names: Try to note down important formulas and names while studying so that you can go through them easily.
  • Check out previous years’ questions: Try two practice previous year's question papers uploaded on the official website of your board to check out the structure of the question paper and the commonly asked questions. 
  • Understand the syllabus: Download the detailed syllabus uploaded on the official website of your board. Try to download the latest syllabus to be sure of the topics in the curriculum.
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Social Science

  • Notes down important dates and people: In History, the students need to note down important dates related to specific historical events and people.
  • Do not forget map work: In Geography, try to give proper importance to math work attached to the curriculum. Try to practice map work before the board exams. 
  • Carefully allot equal time to every section: There are a total of three sections included in Social Science so make sure that you are allotting equal time to every section. 
  • Write clear answers in points: When writing lengthy answers, try to use bullet points rather than writing the answer in paragraphs to give a clear idea to the examiner.
  • Practice sample papers: Make sure that you are practicing sample papers available on the Internet to get information about the important questions.
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  • Improve Handwriting Skills: When writing the answers in your English paper, make sure that your handwriting is neat so that the examiner can understand the matter written in the answer sheet.
  • Write to-the-point answers: Do not write unnecessary things in your answer sheet. Make sure that your answers are to the point.
  • Brush up your Grammar: Students will be mostly judged on their grammar skills. You can try using side books to brush up your grammar skills.
  • Focus on making reading a habit: When you make reading a habit, you learn a lot of new words. Try to use these words in your essays and letters.
  • Try to use English as a medium of communication: If the students converse in English, they will be confident in their spoken English skills. This will give you a better result in your board exam.
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The Hindi language paper is not as difficult as you may think. Here are some of the important tips for students can score 90+ marks in the CBSE Class 10 Hindi board exam 2025.

  • Check the complete syllabus: Check the CBSE 10th Hindi curriculum in detail so that you get an idea of what is to be studied and the importance of each topic. Take note of the topics or chapters that are excluded.
  • Refer to the prescribed NCERT Hindi textbooks: Students must follow the prescribed textbooks by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for both Hindi Course A and Course B. 
  • Write more to improve your preparation: Language is an acquired skill where it becomes difficult to get better just by memorizing any tricks or grammatical rules. Only by practicing and writing, will a student be able to improve their language skills. 
  • Solve CBSE Class 10 Hindi Sample Question Paper: If anyone wants to score 90+ marks in the CBSE Class 10 Hindi exam 2025, students must practice the sample question papers after completing the CBSE 10th Hindi syllabus.
  • Solve CBSE Class 10 Hindi Previous Year Question Papers: By solving CBSE 10th Hindi Previous Year question papers, students can get an insight into the past year's Hindi board exam paper pattern.

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By following some simple tips and tricks, students can improve their chances of achieving good grades in their class 10 board exams. Focusing on one topic at a time can yield fruitful results. By incorporating these strategies into your daily study routine, you can expect to see much higher grades.

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What if I am unable to secure good marks in CBSE class 10?

If you are unable to secure the minimum passing marks in CBSE class 10, then you can appear for the supplementary exams which will be conducted in June or July 2025. However, if you are not satisfied with the number of marks that you have achieved in your result then you can apply for revaluation services presented by the Central Board of Secondary Education right after the release of the result.

Can I pass only by using model papers in CBSE class 10th?

It is not impossible to pass only by using the model test papers in CBSE class 10th however if you want to achieve an exceptional percentage then you are required to work your way through the syllabus from the very beginning of the academic year. After completing your syllabus, you can move on to the model test papers. 

How can I get more than 90% marks in CBSE 10th Mathematics?

If you want to get more than 90% marks in CBSE 10th Mathematics then you need to prepare from the very beginning of the academic year. After you are done with your syllabus be sure to pick up the model test papers from the official website and then continue with your revision. Make sure that you are writing every step clearly when solving a numeral during the board exam to achieve 100% marks. 

Is 90% marks enough in CBSE class 10th?

Yes, 90% marks are more than enough for class 10th students however if they perform their best then they can easily get the best CGPA which is 9.9. If you have achieved 90% marks in class 10 then you will be allowed to choose your stream freely and it will also have an advantage during the college admission. 

What can I do to revise my syllabus for CBSE class 10th?

To revise your syllabus in CBSE class 10th, you can download model test papers available on the official website or go for the previous year's question papers which are also published in popular side books. Try to take mock tests available on the Internet to enhance your preparation and also work on your time management skills for difficult subjects. 

What is the best way to score 90% marks in CBSE class 10?

The best way to get more than 90% marks in CBSE class 10th is to practice through the model test papers available on the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education. Many students do not have the idea that CBSE releases the latest sample papers on the official website so make sure to download them after you have completed your syllabus to enhance your preparation. 

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Nikkil Visha, Content Team

बोर्ड परीक्षा के प्रश्न पत्र परीक्षा आयोजित होने के बाद सार्वजनिक किये जाते हैं। बता दें, बोर्ड परीक्षा में अधिकांश प्रश्न पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न से मिलते जुलते और उसी पैटर्न पर आधारित होते हैं। इसलिए, यदि आप पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्न पत्र और मॉडल पेपर को सही से हल कर लेते हैं तो अधिक संभावना है कि आप परीक्षा से अच्छे अंक से सफल हो पाएंगे। 

बोर्ड परीक्षा से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण लिंक!


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