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JEE Main Thermodynamics PYQ Important Questions: Download important questions Here

Thermodynamics is an important component of the physics paper of JEE Main. Candidates aiming to clear JEE Mains can check the previous year questions of thermodynamics here in this article.


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JEE Main Thermodynamics PYQ Important Questions:: Thermodynamics is one of the most important topics of the JEE Main physics paper. Candidates preparing for JEE Mains must be aware that every year almost 3-4 questions are asked from this particular section. Similarly, candidates who are well prepared, especially the thermodynamics section, can expect to clear the JEE Main cutoff quite easily. Experts and previous year toppers recommend aspirants to practise JEE Main thermodynamics questions of previous years to comprehend the difficulty level of the questions asked. On the other hand, it also assists candidates to gain an upper hand by enabling them to understand the type of questions that NTA asks on thermodynamics. This knowledge allows students to practise questions on a daily basis and strengthen their basic concepts. Here in this article, we have also come up with the previous year thermodynamics questions of JEE Main along with the most important sections and books candidates can refer to while preparing for JEE Main physics paper and thermodynamics section in particular.

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JEE Main Year Wise Weightage of Thermodynamics Questions

Candidates must know the weightage of thermodynamics in the physics paper of JEE Main and prepare accordingly. The year wise weightage of thermodynamics in JEE Main has been mentioned in the below table. 


No of Questions Asked

Marks Per Question

Total Marks





















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Important JEE Main Thermodynamics Questions

Candidates preparing themselves for boards as well as JEE Main must check this section to know about the previous year questions on thermodynamics. For the assistance of the candidates we have mentioned the answers and detailed solution of all the questions. 

Q1: “Heat cannot by itself flow from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature” is a statement or consequence of

(A) The Second Law Of Thermodynamics

(B) Conservation Of Momentum

(C) Conservation Of Mass

(D) The First Law Of Thermodynamics

Correct Answer: (A) Second law of Thermodynamics

Q2: Which of the following is incorrect regarding the first law of thermodynamics?

(A) It Introduces The Concept Of Internal Energy

(B) It Introduces The Concept Of Entropy

(C) It Is Not Applicable To Any Cyclic Process

(D) It Is A Restatement Of The Principle Of Conservation Of Energy

Correct Answer: Option (B) and (C) are incorrect

Q3: Which of the following statements is correct for any thermodynamic system?

(A) The Internal Energy Changes In All Processes

(B) Internal Energy And Entropy Are State Functions

(C) The Change In Entropy Can Never Be Zero

(D) The Work Done In An Adiabatic Process Is Always Zero

Correct Answer: (B) Internal Energy And Entropy Are State Functions

Q4: Which of the following parameters does not characterise the thermodynamic state of matter?

(A) Temperature

(B) Pressure

(C) Work

(D) Volume

Correct Answer: (C) Work

Q5: Even a Carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency because we cannot

(A) Prevent Radiation

(B) Find Ideal Sources

(C) Reach Absolute Zero Temperature

(D) Eliminate Friction

Correct Answer: (C) Reach Absolute Zero Temperature

Q6: Which statement is incorrect?

(A) All Reversible Cycles Have The Same Efficiency

(B) The Reversible Cycle Has More Efficiency Than An Irreversible One

(C) Carnot Cycle Is A Reversible One

(D) Carnot Cycle Has The Maximum Efficiency In All Cycles

Correct Answer: (A) All Reversible Cycles Have The Same Efficiency

Q7: A Carnot engine operating between temperatures T1 and T2 has efficiency 1/6. When T2 is lowered by 62 K, its efficiency increases to ⅓. Then T1 and T2 are, respectively

(A) 372 K And 310 K

(B) 372 K And 330 K

(C) 330 K And 268 K

(D) 310 K And 248 K

Correct Answer: (a) 372 K and 310 K

Q8: 100 g of water is heated from 30 °C to 50 °C. Ignoring the slight expansion of the water, the change in its internal energy is (specific heat of water is 4184 J kg–1 K–1)

(A) 4.2 kJ

(B) 8.4 kJ

(C) 84 kJ

(D) 2.1 kJ

Correct Answer: (B) 8.4 kJ

Q9: 200 g water is heated from 40° C to 60 °C. Ignoring the slight expansion of water, the change in its internal energy is close to (Given specific heat of water = 4184 J/kg/K)

(A) 167.4 kJ

(B) 8.4 kJ

(C) 4.2 kJ

(D) 16.7 kJ

Correct Answer: (D) 16.7 kJ

Q10: The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one-kilo mole of gas adiabatically and in this process the temperature of the gas increases by 7ºC. The gas is (R = 8.3 J mol–1 K–1)

(A) Monoatomic

(B) Diatomic

(C) Triatomic

(D) A Mixture Of Monoatomic And Diatomic

Correct Answer: (B) Diatomic

Q11: From the following statements, concerning ideal gas at any given temperature T, select the correct.

(A)The coefficient of volume expansion at constant pressure is the same for all ideal gases

(B)The average translational kinetic energy per molecule of oxygen gas is 3kT, k being Boltzmann constant

(C)The mean-free path of molecules increases with an increase in the pressure

(D)In a gaseous mixture, the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules of each component is different

Correct Answer: (A)The coefficient of volume expansion at constant pressure is the same for all ideal gases

Q12: Calorie is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 °C and it is defined under which of the following conditions?

(A) From 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at 760 mm of Hg

(B)From 98.5 °C to 99.5 °C at 760 mm of Hg

(C)From 13.5 °C to 14.5 °C at 76 mm of Hg

(D) From 3.5 °C to 4.5 °C at 76 mm of Hg

Correct Answer: (A) From 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C at 760 mm of Hg

Q13: The average translational kinetic energy of 02 (molar mass 32) molecules at a particular temperature is 0.048 eV. The translational kinetic energy of N2 (molar mass 28) molecules in eV at the same temperature is

(A) 0.0015

(B) 0.003

(C) 0.048

(D) 0.768

Correct Answer: (C) 0.048

Q14: One mole of a monoatomic gas is heated at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere from OK to 100K. If the gas constant R=8.32 J/mol K, the change in internal energy of the gas is approximately [1998]

(A) 2.3 J

(B) 46 J

(C) 8.67 × 103J

(D) 1.25 x l03J

Correct Answer: (D) 1.25 x l03J

Q15: An ideal gas heat engine is operating between 227 °C and 127 °C. It absorbs 104J of heat at a higher temperature. The amount of heat converted into work is

(A) 2000 J

(B) 4000 J

(C) 8000 J

(D) 5600 J

Correct Answer: (A) 2000 J

Also Read || 5 Mistakes Made by Students While Preparing for JEE Main 2024

JEE Main Thermodynamics Previous Year Question Paper

Candidates can check the previous year question papers of thermodynamics here in the given table below.


Morning Shift

Evening Shift

January 24, 2023

Click Here

Click Here

January 25, 2023

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Click Here

January 29, 2023

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January 30, 2023

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Click Here

January 31, 2023

Click Here

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JEE Main Thermodynamics Syllabus

Candidates must have a thorough understanding of the JEE Main syllabus of thermodynamics to prepare well for the exam. Without a comprehensive understanding it becomes challenging on the part of the students to strategise their preparation. To complement the efforts of each candidate we have mentioned the detailed syllabus of JEE main thermodynamics here in this section. Candidates can download the physics syllabus entirely and also the thermodynamics syllabus from the links provided in the below table.

Also Read || 5 Best JEE Main 2024 Exam Tips

Thermodynamics Topic Wise Weightage

Since thermodynamics is a crucial topic in JEE Mains candidates must know the weightage every section of thermodynamics have for the exam. It is recommended that candidates prepare all the topics in this section and not go for selective studies, however the focus must be on the important sections as well. The topic wise weightage of each section is briefly mentioned in the table below.

Name of the Section

Questions Asked

Thermal Equilibrium


Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics


The concept of Temperature


Heat, Work and Internal Energy


First Law of Thermodynamics


Second Law of Thermodynamics


Reversible and Irreversible Processes


Carnot Engine and its Efficiency


Related Article || JEE Main 2024 List of Chapters & Topics Covered under Physics Section

Important Books to Prepare for Thermodynamics

Aspirants can refer to the list of important books for thermodynamics in this section. 

Name of the Book

Author’s Name

Concepts of Physics (Vol. 1 and 2)

H.C Verma

Fundamentals of Physics

Halliday, Resnick & Walker

Understanding Physics

D C Pandey

Problems in General Physics

I.E Irodov

Understanding Physics

Freedman and Young

Problems in Physics

SS Krotov

Problems and Solution of Physics

Shashi Bhushan Tiwari

Related Article || List of High Scoring Topics in Physics for JEE Main 2024

Thermodynamics as mentioned above is crucial not just for JEE Mains but also for other competitive entrance exams like JEE Advanced, GATE among others. Professors say that a student having a solid grasp of the basic concepts of thermodynamics can successfully clear not just JEE main or advanced but also GATE and various other entrance exams conducted by universities and colleges. In this article, we have mentioned the JEE Main thermodynamics questions of previous years and the important books for the candidates.

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What books should I refer to while preparing for thermodynamics?

Students can refer to books like concepts of physics by HC Verma, understanding physics by DC Pandey, problems in physics by SS Krotov among others mentioned in this article.

Is solving previous year questions on thermodynamics helpful to score marks?

Yes, solving previous year questions of thermodynamics is helpful to score marks in JEE mains as candidates get an idea of the type of questions asked for the exam.

How many questions are expected to be asked from the second law of thermodynamics?

Aspirants can expect 1-2 questions to be asked by NTA from the second law of thermodynamics section. 


Is thermodynamics easy or difficult?

If a candidate has a stronghold on the basics of thermodynamics then this topic can be highly scoring. Therefore all the students are recommended to practise questions on thermodynamics on a daily basis.

What are the most vital topics in thermodynamics for JEE Mains?

Candidates must note that topics like Carnot engine and its efficiency, second law of thermodynamics, heat, work and internal energy are crucial from the exam point of view. However, students must not go for selective studies instead cover the entire syllabus using a proper preparation strategy.

JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper

2024 Physics Paper Morning Shift

Previous Year Question Paper

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