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28 New Colleges to be Affiliated with Mumbai University

Approval for affiliating 28 new colleges for the academic session 2016 is awaited by the Mumbai University

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Approval for affiliating 28 new colleges for the academic session 2016 is awaited by the Mumbai University (MU). Officials at MU have said that it will be challenging to begin an academic session with these new colleges from 2016 itself. Since Mumbai University has already started the session 2016 for undergraduate and postgraduate courses from July 4, 2016, it will be hard for the new colleges to catch up with the already laid out schedule and meet the course deadline.

As per the information provided by an official from the higher and technical education department, a proposal to undertake the shortlisted 28 colleges under MU was sent to the state government. The document verification is in procedure with regards to the shortlisted colleges. A decision will soon be announced by the state government by July 31, 2016.

The colleges await the decision of the state government. The wait has caused the 28 colleges to delay their academic session of the year. One of the trustees of the colleges said that faculty has been appointed but they are not sure whether the college will be approved for the Mumbai University or not.

Also Read:Mumbai University to get another 63 new colleges

An official from the state government says that the decision is being delayed because the proposal by the university came in late. Contradicting this statement, Registrar of MU, M A Khan said that the proposal was sent to the state government on April 30, 2016.

Applications from 173 colleges were received by the Mumbai University, of which 121 colleges were shortlisted by a proficient committee appointed by the university and then sent to the state government for approval.

The response sent by the Right to Information (RTI) stated that a total of 289 application were sent to the Maharashtra State Government in order to get approval for getting affiliated to the Mumbai University. So far only one college has been approved since past two years. 168 applications were sent to the department of higher and technical education for affiliating with new colleges but the state government has not approved any college so far.

The last approval by the state government was given for a college in Jalgaon in the year 2014-15 to become a part of MU.

The government has decided to approve new colleges in 2016 by July 31.

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