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4 Students with Perfect 100% Score Join DU School of Open Learning

Four students with 100% marks have taken admission to DU's School of Open Learning and choose to do a degree via distance learning when they could have studied in one of the best colleges.

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With a score of 100% in best-of-four subjects, one can take admission to any of the premier colleges in Delhi University. However, four students with 100% marks have taken admission to DU's School of Open Learning and choose to do a degree via distance learning when they could have studied in one of the best colleges.

DU’s SOL has been gaining popularity as other high scorers have also been enrolling in the college. 13 other students with a score of above 95% and with marks above 240 have taken admission to the college. Students with a score of 80% and above who have enrolled are only 10% of the total intake.

Also Read:Top 10 Distance Education Universities in India

There has been a change of reputation for SOL. The college, that was earlier known to be the place where 'non-serious' students take admissions as they can’t take admissions anywhere else. This also sheds a light on the high cut-offs in DU colleges, as students are adapting to distance learning as such courses have various other advantages. Another fact that supports this is that SOL gave admission to three students with 100% marks in the BCom course it offers even though they did not study Maths at the plus-2 level.

These students have taken up distance B.Com course at SOL as they will have more time on their hands to prepare for CA exams whereas a full-time course will require them to attend classes and go along with the assigned curriculum and attendance rules. Students preparing for other competitive exams such as civil services, etc. have also opted for distance learning in order to give their full effort in preparation.

SOL has also attracted poor students as it is a good option for those who can’t afford to get enrolled in regular courses.

Also Read:Top 10 Distance Learning Courses in India

C S Dubey, Head of Campus of Open Learning said that most of the high scorers have opted for B.Com (Hons.), followed by BA while other have applied for the English (Hons.) and political science (Hons.) courses. He also added that the mode of distance learning doesn’t bother the students as they will all get the DU degree.

More than 49,000 applicants have registered for SOL as of 5 pm July 21, 2016. B.Com (Hons.) is among the popular courses of DU. As of the fifth and final DU cut-off 2016, the cut-off for the course remains above 90% for 29 out of 30 colleges that offer this course.

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