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ACPC Raises Alarm Over Vacant Seats

In a shocking figure, 28,305 are vacant seats in colleges offering a Bachelor degree of engineering in Ahmedabad. The data was released by Admission C

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<p>In a shocking figure, 28,305 are vacant seats in colleges offering a Bachelor degree of engineering in Ahmedabad. The data was released by Admission Committee for Professional Courses&rsquo; (ACPC) data on their website recently.

According to the sources of Ahmedabad Mirror, the number is alarming, especially since the All India Committee for Technical Education (AICTE) has announced its decision to reduce the total number of seats by 6 lakhs in degree engineering colleges in the country to maintain 'quality' of education.

According to the ACPC website, while 1,232 seats in city colleges are vacant, over 28,305 seats from a total of over 71,799 seats across 125 colleges in the state remain vacant. "While the number of students opting for the degree engineering courses in rural areas is less primarily due to inadequate infrastructure and facilities, the reason why colleges in the city fail to get 100 percent admission is a matter that needs to be thoroughly probed," said a source from ACPC, pointing out that Ahmedabad is considered an education hub.

The colleges include Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology, SAL Institute of Technology &amp; Engineering Research, L. J. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Indus University, Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad Institute of Technology &mdash; these are colleges affiliated with Gujarat Technological University (GTU). Colleges affiliated with the Ahmedabad University and the institute offering degree engineering courses at Nirma University are also among the list.

In fact, courses of Electrical and Mechanical have also seen a drop in the number of admissions this year." Elaborating on the choice of subjects and problems faced by students, Khandwala said, "Students who secure admissions in mechanical and electrical engineering course often move to computer engineering and IT in the second year, even if they do not get admission in Ahmedabad colleges. Eventually, it is the subject that matters and not the location of the college," he added. Vice President of LJ Group of Colleges, Manish Shah pointed out that students today check credentials of the college before confirming admission.

"Very few seats in our college have remained vacant as students who secured admission in our college left only because they got admission in IITs and other prominent institutes. By the time they left, the admission process was already closed so we were unable to fill the seats. The situation is similar in other colleges." Shah also pointed out that students ensure they do not take admission in colleges that do not have a good placement record, facilities, and infrastructure.

Source: Ahmedabad Mirror </p>

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