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AERB Approves P.G. in Medical Physics programme to D.Y.Patil University, Kolhapur

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) of Government of India has approved M. Sc. Medical Physics programme for D.Y.Patil University Kolhapur from this

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Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) of Government of India has approved M. Sc. Medical Physics programme for D.Y.Patil University Kolhapur from this academic year.

According to officials of D Y Patil University, this is a two-year programme followed by one year training at cancer hospital. The university has collaborated with Kolhapur Caner Centre and shri Siddhivinayak Ganpati Cancer hospital, Miraj. The programmes come under the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of Government of India who develops safety policies, codes and standards in nuclear and radiation applications.

Medical physics is a branch of physics that deals with health care, industry and research application. The programme is specialised to train the young pool of PG students as qualified medial physicists and radiation safety officers (RSO) in the field of cancer radiation therapy, industry as well as research.

They can also work as application physicists in various companies providing radiation measuring devices. They have global opportunity to pursue higher studies and research.

About College :

D.Y.Patil University was established in the year 2005, in the name of the great educationist and philanthropist DR. D. Y. PATIL Padma Shree awardee. D.Y. Patil Education Society is the sponsoring society of the University.The sponsoring society started its Medical College in 1989. This college was initially affiliated to the Shivaji University, Kolhapur and later on affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The Medical College has excellent and constant academic performance, a very strong and aesthetic infrastructural system, efficient and transparent governance and distinct potential for future progress.

Source - Prasad Patil, City Journalist, CollegeDekho

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