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AILET 2024 Logical Reasoning Practice Questions

Here are 15 practice questions from logical reasoning for AILET 2024 examination. Solve these questions to evaluate your preparation for the test. AILET 2024 will be conducted on December 10.

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AILET 2024 Logical Reasoning: According to the official schedule, AILET 2024 will be conducted on December 10. As only 4 days are left for the examination, students must start revising their syllabus from now. Additionally, students should also solve questions to determine how well their preparation stands. Having said that, we’ve provided AILET 2024 practice questions from Logical Reasoning segments. A total of 15 questions are provided from last year’s question paper. Try solving these questions to know your strengths and weaknesses and get a good grasp of your basics before the test. 

Also Read | AILET 2024 on December 10: Important OMR instructions

AILET 2024 Logical Reasoning Practice Questions

Here are 15 practice questions from AILET 2024 Logical Reasoning to brace up your preparation for the test: 

Q1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Find the one that doesn’t belong to that group.

  1. Glass
  2. Marble
  3. Brick
  4. Tiles
  5. Concrete

Q2. How many floors are there between the tile floor and the marble floor?

  1. One 
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. More than Three
  5. None

Q3. If Brick is related to floor 5 and Wood is related to floor 1 in a certain way, then which of the following material is related to floor 3?

  1. Tiles
  2. Marble
  3. Granite
  4. Glass
  5. None of these

Q4. Which of the following floors is made of Glass?

  1. Floor 6
  2. Floor 5
  3. Floor 9
  4. Floor 3
  5. None of these

Q5. Using which of the following material does floor 4 was built?

  1. Lamination
  2. Wood
  3. Marble
  4. Concrete
  5. None of these

Q6. What is the code for the phrase ‘Polar Pizzly’ in the given code language?

  1. Ejs nth
  2. Oph xtm
  3. Tvg nth
  4. Ejs oph
  5. None of the above

Q7. What does the code ‘veo’ represent in the given code language?

  1. Cave
  2. Pizzly
  3. Cinnamon
  4. Bear
  5. Either A or C

Q8. If ‘Black Ursinae’ represents ‘lqz zvh’, then what does the code ‘moh nth xtm’ represent in the given code language?

  1. Cave Atlas MacFarlane
  2. MacFarlane Polar Atlas
  3. Atlas MacFarlane Bear
  4. Bergman Polar Bear
  5. None of these

Q9. What is the code for the phrase ‘Bergman Grizzly’ in the given language code?

  1. Nth ztm
  2. Ztm ejs
  3. Tvg nth
  4. Ztm tvg
  5. None of the above

Q10. What is the possible code for the phrase ‘Black Cave’ in the given code language?

  1. Nth ztm
  2. Ztm ejs
  3. Tvg nth
  4. Ztm tvg
  5. Moh meg

Q11. In a family, there are seven persons and four generations. H is married to the only daughter of K, who is the only son of N. L is the brother-in-law of H who has only one child. J is the grandson of M, who is the mother of H. K has only two children. N is the female member of the family. I is of the same generation as L. H have no siblings. 

If L is married to A, how is K related to A?

  1. Daughter-In-Law
  2. Mother-In-Law
  3. Father-In-Law
  4. Mother
  5. Son-In-Law

Q12. How many male members are there in the family?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 2
  5. More than 5

Q13. How is N related to L?

  1. Grandson
  2. Granddaughter
  3. Grandfather
  4. Grandmother
  5. None of the above

Q14. A person rides from the shop towards the west for 15km and reaches the Hotel and then takes a left turn and rides 6km to reach his office where he takes a left turn again and rides 12km to reach his school. From his school, he takes a right turn and rides 11 km to reach the mall, where he takes a right turn again and rides 9km to reach his home. Then, he takes a right turn and rides 4 km to reach the temple and stops. 

What is the total distance from the temple to the shop?

  1. 77km
  2. 57km
  3. 36km
  4. 49km
  5. None of these

Q15. In which of the following directions is the school located with respect to the shop?

  1. South
  2. North
  3. North-east
  4. South-west
  5. None of these


A1. Brick

A2. One

A3. Granite

A4. Floor 9

A5. Wood

A6. Ejs Oph

A7. Either A or C

A8. Atlas MacFarlane Bear

A9. Ztm tvg

A10. Moh meg

A11. Father-In-Law

A12. 4

A13. Grandfather

A14. 57km

A15. North-East

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