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ANU Invites Applications for Arabic Language Classes

International Students Cell of Acharya Nagarjuna University released admission notification for Arabic course on 2-June-2016. Here are the details of

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International Students Cell of Acharya Nagarjuna University released admission notification for Arabic course on 2-June-2016. Here are the details of notification:-

No of Seats

60 (Seats will be filled on first come first served basis)

Educational Qualification required for Admission

Pass in 10+2 are eligible

Course Timings

Classes are conducted TWO days per week

5.00 PM to 8.00 PM on every Saturday

9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon on every Sunday

Course Duration

4 Months

Course Fee

Rs.3,000/- (DD should be taken in favor of

Director, international Students Cell, Acharya

Nagarjuna University), 50%fee concession for

Students of SC/ST

Commencement of Classes

Classes will commence from 09-07-20L5 (if

sufficient Candidates are enrolled)

Course Coordinator

Dr. M. Syamala

Candidates who are interested in joining the course can obtain application forms from the University website or from Dr. M Symala coordinator of course, International students’ cell. SC/ST students have to enclose photo copy of caste certificate along with filled in application form. Xerox copies of educational certificates and aadhar cart must also be enclosed with the filled in application along with Demand Draft. 50% fee concession available for SC/St candidates. Demand Draft can be made from any nationalized bank.

For any details and queries related to the course contact, Dr. M. Symala at International Students Cell, ANU.

Source: - Sakunth Kumar, City Journalist, CollegeDekho, Vijayawada

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