AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Chapter-Wise Weightage 2024
Check out AP Inter 1st year Zoology chapter-wise weightage 2024 and the list of most important topics here. The expected number of questions and marks from each chapter are given.

AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Chapter-wise Weightage 2024: The weightage for each chapter in the AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Exam 2024 has been shared. 1st Year Inter exam for Zoology is to be held on March 9 by the board. All students preparing for the examination must know the number of questions asked from each unit in the forthcoming exam. As per the AP Inter 1st Year Zoology syllabus 2024, most marks are expected to be asked from Biology and Human Welfare, Ecology and Environment. The 1st Year Zoology question paper includes internal choices with a total of 60 marks. Check the important topics and the marks weightage for each chapter in the AP Inter Zoology Paper 2024 in the news shared below.
AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Chapter-Wise Weightage 2024
Here is the topic-wise breakage of the AP Inter 1st Year Zoology Paper 2024 in the table shared below:
S. No. | Unit Name | VSA (2 Marks Each) | SA (4 Marks Each) | LA (8 Marks Each) | Total Marks |
1 | Diversity of Living World | 1 question | 1 question | - | 6 marks |
2 | Structural Organisation in Animals | 3 questions | - | 1 question | 14 marks |
3 | Animal Diversity - I | 1 question | 1 question | - | 6 marks |
4 | Animal Diversity - II | 1 question | 1 question | - | 6 marks |
5 | Locomotion and Reproduction Protozoa | 2 questions | 1 question | - | 8 marks |
6 | Biology and Human Welfare | 1 question | 1 question | 1 question | 14 marks |
7 | Periplanata americana | 1 question | - | 1 question | 10 marks |
8 | Ecology and Environment | 1 question | 1 question | 1 question | 14 marks |
Total | 11 questions | 6 questions | 3 questions |
We recommend the students study the topics having more weightages first like Ecology and Environment, Biology and Human Welfare, and Structural Organisation in Animals.
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