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AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Weightage and Blueprint 2025

As per BIEAP marks distribution, AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Weightage and Blueprint 2025 for all units and chapters is detailed here. AP Class 12 Commerce 2025 exam is to be held on March 15, 2025. 

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AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Weightage and Blueprint 2025: The AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce unit and chapter-by-chapter mark distribution for the 2024–2025 academic year is made public by the Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (BIEAP). To better plan their studies and concentrate on regions with greater mark allocation, students and teachers can now analyze the unit and chapter-wise weighting. The comprehensive and full AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Weightage 2025 is available here for those applicants who have chosen commerce as one of their core subjects.

The Commerce exam will be administered for three hours from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on March 15, 2025. The three sections of the structured question paper are Very Short Answer (VSA), Short Answer (SA), and Long Answer (LA) questions. The chapter-wise distribution of marks will guide the students to prepare accordingly for the upcoming board exams efficiently. Hence, students are advised to refer to the detailed AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Weightage and Blueprint 2025 here.

Also Read | AP Inter Time Table 2025: 1st and 2nd year subject-wise exam dates PDF download

AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Weightage 2025

Go through the chapter-wise weightage of the AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce 2025 exam here in the given table:

Unit NameWeightage 
Unit-1: Entrepreneurship Development12 to 14 marks
Unit-2: Domestic and International Trade10 to 12 marks
Unit-3: Business Services18 to 20 marks
Unit-4: Financial Markets18 to 20 marks
Unit-5: Consumer Protection10 to 12 marks

AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce Blueprint 2025

Aspirants must check below the question paper blueprint for the AP Inter 2nd Year Commerce 2025 exam.

Sl.No. Unit NameLong Answer (10 Marks)Short Answer (5 Marks)Very Short Answer (2 Marks)
1Unit-1: Entrepreneurship Development-2 questions2 questions
2Unit-2: Domestic and International Trade-2 questions2 questions
3Unit-3: Business Services-1 question2 questions
4Unit-4: Financial Markets1 question1 question2 questions
5Unit-5: Consumer Protection1 question--

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