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AP PGCET Web Options 2023 Phase 2 Released: Direct link, last date

AP PGCET phase 2 web options 2023 have started today, and will be ended on November 15, 2023. Candidates should enter the maximum number of choices to secure a confirmed seat in the phase 2 seat allotment round. 

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AP PGCET Web Options 2023 Phase 2 Released: Andhra University has released the AP PGCET 2023 Phase 2 web options dates, which have been started today in online mode. Candidates, who have completed the phase 2 online registration and the online certificate verification process, are able to participate in the AP PGCET 2023 phase 2 web options round. To enter the choices via the phase 2 round, should visit the official website- and exercise the web options on or before November 15, 2023. 

Post that, if the candidates need to edit the AP PGCET 2023 web options, they can change it on November 16, 2023. The candidates will not get any further scope of editing the phase 2 web options after that. Based on that, the authority will release the phase 2 AP PGCET seat allotment result on November 18, 2023, on the official website.

AP PGCET Web Options 2023 Phase 2: Direct Link

To participate in the AP PGCET phase 2 web option round, the candidates can go through the following direct link:

Direct link to participate in AP PGCET phase 2 web options 2023- Click here

AP PGCET Phase 2 Web Options 2023: Important Instructions to Follow

The mode of participating in the AP PGCET phase 2 web options 2023 is online only. Candidates should refer to the following instructions related to the phase 2 web options, here:

  • Candidates are advised to check all the available colleges for web option phase 2 before entering the choices
  • There is no limit to entering the choices, hence, the candidates should exercise the maximum number of options for phase 2, so that they can get a confirmed seat via the round 2 seat allotment
  • Candidates should freeze the college list after entering the options. Post that the candidates should take a printout of it
  • Once the data is frozen, the candidates will not be allowed to edit or modify the choices again
  • If the candidates will not freeze the options after saving them, then the authority will consider the last saved options 
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