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AP PGECET Final Phase Counselling 2022 Dates Released: Check schedule for registration, choice filling, seat allotment

AP PGECET final phase counselling 2022 dates have been released, and the last date to complete the online registration is November 3. Only those candidates who have cleared AP PGECET are eligible to participate in the counselling. 

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AP PGECET Final Phase Counselling 2022: AP PGECET 2022 registration for the final phase of counselling will start on 1st November. Candidates who wish to participate in the final phase of counselling must visit the official website- pgecet.sche1.aptonline.in and register online before the deadline, 3rd November. Candidates who did not get a seat in Round 1 or waiting for a better seat allotment in the final phase can exercise the web options on the scheduled date. 

AP PGECET Final Phase Counselling Dates 2022

All the upcoming dates related to the final phase is given below-
Registration process1st to 3rd November 2022
Web option selection4th and 5th November 2022
Change of web option6th November 2022
Allotment of seat8th November 2022
Reporting at college9th to 11th November 2022
According to merit, seat availability, and preference-filled choices, seats will be allocated to candidates according to the exam authorities. A self-reporting system will be available to candidates to report their seat allocations for AP PGECET. Additionally, they must report to the colleges/institutes they have been allocated, otherwise, their seats will be cancelled. 

AP PGECET 2022: Steps to Register

To register for the counselling process, candidates can follow these simple steps-
Step 1: Candidates must visit the official website.
Step 2: Under "Forms", click on the "Final Phase Registration" link. 
Step 3: The application fee must be paid online mode. 
Step 4: A new page will appear where they need to enter details for registration. 
Step 5: Once registered, use those details to login and fill out the application form. 
Step 6: Certain documents must also be uploaded in a specified format. 
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