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Admission Notice - Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management Announces Admission To Management Courses 2016-2017

Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management (A State University established under Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Co-operative Management

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Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management (A State University established under Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Co-operative Management Act, 2010 and Recognised by UGC) invites applications from eligible candidates for admission into management courses for the session 2016-2017.


  • BBA
  • MBA


BBA Programme: Minimum 50% marks in 10+2 in Science/Arts/Commerce

MBA Programme: Minimum 50% marks in graduation in any stream.

(For SC/ST candidates, minimum marks in respective qualifying examination is 45%.


  • Interested candidates may download the Application Form from the University website: www.argucom.edu.in
  • Filled-in Application form must be submitted with a fee of Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) only (Rs. 250) for SC/ST/PWD Candidates) drawn through a demand draft.
  • Candidates must appear in the University Entrance Test (AET-2016)
  • Group discussion and personal interview additionally for MBA Programme; Dates to be notified in website.

Important Dates:

Last date of submission of forms: 31/05/2016 (Tuesday)

ARGUCOM Entrance Test (AET-2016): 04.06.2016 (Saturday)

Centres- Sivasagar & Guwahati

Candidates may register themselves for admission by submitting an amount of Rs 5000/- ( Rs. Five Thousand Only in a separate Demand Draft (refundable in case of non-selection)

All payments must be through Demand Drafts drawn on any nationalised bank of India favouring Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management, payable at Sivasagar.


1. Students securing/expecting 60% marks in the qualifying examination are exempted from appearing in AET-2016.

2. Such students are eligible as below:

a. BBA Programme- Can apply for direct admission.

b. MBA Programme- Can apply for GD & PI

* Students qualifying MT/CAT/ATM/etc. (held in 2015 or 2016) with composite score of 500 and above may apply directly to appear in GD/PI

For more details visit the website of the University

Vice Chancellor

Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management

Source: Darshana Brahma, City Journalist, Guwahati, CollegeDekho

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