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Bangabasi Evening College introduces M.Sc in Mathematics 2016

Bangabasi Evening College (BEC), Kolkata has introduced Master of Science (M.Sc) in Mathematics affiliated to the University of Calcutta as a regular

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Bangabasi Evening College (BEC), Kolkata has introduced Master of Science (M.Sc) in Mathematics affiliated to the University of Calcutta as a regular course in the session 2015-2016. The admission in this course will be open for the session of 2016-17 as well after the publication of Calcutta University 3rd year UG results.

Total Seats:-

Total seats for enrollment of students: 26 (60% of total seats to be filled up by students of Calcutta University only and rest 40% seats to be filled up by students from other government recognized universities.)

Course Structure and Duration:

  • It is purely a regular course under the affiliation of Calcutta University.
  • The course is divided into 4 semesters for 2 years total duration.

Fee Structure:

First Semester14,000/-
Second Semester10,000/-
Third Semester14,000/-
Fourth Semester10,000/-
Total Fees:48,000/-

Admission Procedure:

Admission for the session 2016-2017 will start after the publication of Calcutta University's B.Sc results of 2016. For C.U. students admission will be done purely on the basis of their marks in graduation and for other university's students, there will be a separate Entrance Test in which they have to appear and qualify to get an entry in the course. Minimum marks to apply for this course will be set as per Calcutta University notifications after the declaration of B.Sc results.

Students who are willing to apply for this course may contact with Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Rong at the Department of Mathematics in the college premises or call at the college's contact number.

Source: Soutrik Das, City Journalist - Kolkata, CollegeDekho

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