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BSEB extends Bihar Board 10th Compartment 2022 Application Last Date - Check Details

BSEB extends Bihar Board 10th compartment 2022 application last date till April 9, 2022. Students who will be appearing for the compartment exams can apply on the official BSEB website –


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Bihar Board 10th Compartment 2022: The deadline to apply for the Bihar School Examination Board's 10th Compartment Exams 2022 has been extended. The official website to fill the application forms is, students who need to register for the Bihar Board Matric Compartment Exams can complete it till April 9, 2022.

BSEB Matric Compartment and Special Exams 2022 will be held for students who did not earn the minimum qualifying marks of 30% in each subject. The authority has released Bihar Board 10th Result 2022 on March 31, 2022. 

BSEB 10th Compartment or Special Exams 2022 – How to Apply

  • Visit the official website:
  • go to the Login page and click the Login button.
  • Now, go to the Matric compartment exam form filling link and click it.
  • Fill in the needed information for student verification.
  • Complete the payment procedure now.
  • Check the status of your payment.
  • Examine the student list or the completed student form.

Also Read- Bihar Board Class 12 Result 2022 Re-evaluation dates out

For the Bihar Board 10th Compartment and Special Exams, students can register for a maximum of two papers, excluding English. Bihar Board had already launched the application link for the compartment and special exams, giving students until April 6, 2022, to register for the tests. BSEB has today extended this deadline. Students have till April 9, 2022, to register. On March 31, 2022, the BSEB Matric Results 2022 were released. Exams were taken by about 16 lakh students. For the BSEB 10th Results 2022, the pass percentage was 79.88 percent.

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