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Is CAT 2023 going to be Tougher than Previous Years?

Is CAT 2023 going to be tougher than that of the previous years? Based on past papers analysis by IIM Lucknow, know here the expected CAT 2023 difficulty level.

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CAT 2023 Expected Difficulty Level: Before 2023, IIM Lucknow had conducted the Common Admission Test in 2017 and in 2010. During both years, the difficulty level of the paper was Moderate to Difficult. On the other hand, CAT 2022 was conducted by IIM Bangalore and its difficulty level was analyzed to be Moderate. Furthermore, CAT 2021 (IIM Ahmedabad) and CAT 2020 (IIM Indore) were of a Moderate difficulty level as well. Hence, CAT 2023 will likely be tougher than it was in the previous three years.

Based on CAT 2017 and CAT 2010 analysis, a more detailed analysis of the expected CAT 2023 difficulty level in a section-wise manner is provided here. Along with it, the expected types of questions that will be asked and their difficulty level are also given.

Also Read | CAT 2023 Admit CardLink

Is CAT 2023 going to be Tougher than Previous Years? Expected Analysis

The expected section-wise analysis for CAT 2023 examination to be held on November 26, 2023 is as follows:

Will CAT 2023 be tougher than previous years?Yes, it is likely to be tougher
CAT 2023 Expected Difficulty Level
OverallModerate to Difficult
VARC SectionModerate
QA sectionModerate to Tough
DILR sectionSlightly Tough
Will CAT 2023 be time-consuming? Expected analysis
OverallLikely moderately time-consuming
VARC SectionLikely moderately time-consuming
QA sectionLikely less-to-moderately time-consuming
DILR sectionLikely very time-consuming

CAT 2017 and CAT 2010 Analysis

As the CAT exam for 2017 and 2010 was conducted by IIM Lucknow, its analysis is provided here for reference

SectionCAT 2017 AnalysisCAT 2010 Analysis
OverallModerateModerately Difficult
VARC SectionEasy to ModerateModerate
QA sectionModerateModerate to Tough
DILR sectionDifficultModerate to Difficult

Also Read | CAT 2023 Last-Minute Tips

CAT 2023 Expected Analysis

As per the question types and on IIM Lucknow CAT paper analysis, the expected details are as follows:

VARC Section

The Reading Comprehension although moderate is likely to be lengthy. The para jumble questions are likely to have complex sentences and thus, tough. The summary-based questions are likely to be moderate and less time-consuming.

QA Section

The questions based on geometry and mensuration are expected to be moderately difficult and time-consuming. The questions on algebra and arithmetic are likely to be less time-consuming and moderate in difficulty level while the number system and miscellaneous questions are expected to be easy and quick.

DILR Section

The data interpretation section will mostly be tougher than that of logical reasoning. The expected difficulty level for DI is moderate to difficult and for LR, it is moderate. Both sections are likely to be time-consuming but comparatively, DI will be more time-consuming than LR.

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