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CAT 2023 Toppers List (Available): Topper names with percentile, 100 percentile list

CAT 2023 toppers list along with the list of candidates who scored 100 percentile can be checked here. Also, check the list of students best performing candidates who score 97 percentile and above in CAT 2023.

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CAT 2023 Toppers: The Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow has declared the results for the Common Admission Test 2023 today, December 21, 2023. The toppers list of CAT 2023 is now available here.Currently, according to media reports, a total of 14 candidates secured 100 percentile in the CAT 2023 examination. The list includes 11 engineers and 3 non-engineers. Gender-wise, the CAT 2023 toppers list who scored 100 percentile are all males and no females. Around 29 candidates scored above 99.99 percentile of which 28 candidates are male and only 1 candidate is female.

CAT 2023 Topper Names Submission

Aside from the official toppers, a list of best-performing candidates who scored above the 97 percentile mark in CAT 2023 will also be added here. If you’re one of these outstanding performers, then you may send your name, percentile, and a copy of your scorecard at the following Google Form link. Such candidates will be mentioned in the unofficial list of CAT Toppers 2023 by CollegeDekho on this page!

Click Here for CAT 2023 Best-Performers Names Submission - If you have scored more than 95 percentile, submit your name through this link

Do note that as per the privacy policy of CollegeDekho, none of your details will be shared elsewhere than this page. Only your name, CAT scaled score, and percentile will be given here.

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CAT 2023 Topper Names

Here are the names of CAT 2023 toppers - 

Topper NamePercentile
Sai Vishnu100%
Viraj Modi100%
Soham Katkar100%
Sayandip Chaudhuri99.99%
Rounak Tikmani99.90%
Sayondeep Choudhury99.90%
Nabha Lohia99.81%
Udbhav Krishnamani 99.71%
Nitin Mittal99.48%
Amisha Saxena99.48%
Aryan Singla 99.37%
Simran Gupta99.14%
Aman Khunteta99.46%
Soham Srimany99.07%
Hemant Sharma99.03%
Akash Priyadarshi98.77%
Anushka Putatunda 98.16%
Krishna Agarwal97.92%

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CAT 2023 Toppers List: Major highlights

As per the official notice, the following are the details of CAT 2023 toppers:

Overall PercentileTotal Number of CandidatesGender-wise Number of CandidatesDiscipline-wise Number of Candidates
100 %ile14Male: 14
Female: 0
Engineering: 11 
Non-Engineering: 3
99.99 %ile29Male: 28
Female: 1
Engineering: 22
Non-Engineering: 7
99.98 %ile29Male: 29
Female: 0
Engineering: 20
Non-Engineering: 9

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Now that the results have been declared, CAT 2023 toppers and qualified students will receive call letters from the IIMs to participate in the Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interviews (PI). This year, around 2.88 lakh candidates appeared for CAT 2023 examination out of 3.28 lakh registered applicants, marking an attendance of 88%.

Expected Institute-Wise Shortlisting Criteria |

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