CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

The chapter-wise CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage 2025 is detailed here along with the blueprint of the paper. The marks distribution for units is official while for chapters, it is unofficial as per previous papers.

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the unit and chapter-wise marks distribution for the Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage for the 2024-25 academic session. Students and educators can now review the unit and chapter-wise weightage to better strategize their studies, focusing on areas with higher marks allocation. CBSE 10th Hindi Course A 2025 syllabus focuses on building strong reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

The overall 100-mark assessment for Class 10 Hindi Course A is divided into an 80-mark theory exam and a 20-mark internal assessment. The internal assessment includes periodic tests, notebook submissions, and subject enrichment activities, giving students a balanced evaluation across different areas of study.

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage Distribution 2025

Candidates can find the complete CBSE 10th Hindi Course A marks distribution in the table mentioned below. The unit-wise distribution will make it easy for you to prepare well for the examination.

Section A: Unseen Passage and Poemअपठित गद्यांश5 marks
अपठित काव्यांश5 marks
Total Weightage 10 marks
Section B: Grammarरचना के आधार पर वाक्य भेद4 marks
वाच्य4 marks
पद परिचय4 marks
अलंकार (शब्दालंकार : श्लेष) (अर्थालंकार : उत्प्रेक्षा, अतिशयोक्ति, मानवीकरण)4 marks
Total Weightage 16 marks
Section C: क्षितिज भाग - 2गद्यांश के आधार पर5 marks
गद्य पाठों के आधार पर2 marks
काव्यांश के आधार पर5 marks
कविताओं के आधार पर2 marks
Total Weightage 14 marks
Section D: कृतिका भाग - 2गद्य खंड6 marks
काव्य खंड6 marks
कृतिका भाग – 28 marks
Total Weightage 20 marks
Section E: Writingसामासिक एवं व्यावहारिक जीवन से6 marks
औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पत्र5 marks
ओपचारिक ईमेल अथवा स्ववृत लेखन5 marks
विज्ञापन लेखन अथवा संदेश लेखन4 marks
Total Weightage 20 marks
Total Marks80 Marks

CBSE Class 10 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025 |

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course A Weightage 2025: Internal Assessment

The weightage distribution for internal assessment for CBSE 10th Hindi A is as follows:

सामहयक आकलन 5 marks
बहुहवध आकलन5 marks
श्रवण तथा वाचन5 marks
पोर्टफोलियो 5 marks
Total Weightage 20 marks

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