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CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course B Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

The chapter-wise CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course B Weightage 2025 is detailed here along with the blueprint of the paper. The marks distribution for units is official while for chapters, it is unofficial as per previous papers.

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CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course B Weightage 2025: The Class 10 Hindi B exam 2025 is scheduled from February 15 onwards. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the subject weightage and question paper blueprint for all subjects including of Hindi Course B. The exam would consist of four sections with a total of 80 marks. Candidates must score 1/3rd marks or above to qualify for the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B exam 2025. Here is the unit and chapter-wise marks distribution of the upcoming CBSE 10th Hindi-B exam. 

Section A consists of 14 marks, mainly unseen passages and prose. Section B is dedicated to grammar, with 16 marks, and Section C is dedicated to literature, with 30 marks. Meanwhile, Section D will contain questions asked about creative writing and will contain 20 marks. 

Also Read | CBSE Class 10 Date Sheet 2025 Released

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course B Weightage 2025

Candidates can find the complete CBSE Class 10th Hindi Course B marks distribution for 2025, including multiple sub-topics in the table below. The unit-wise distribution will make it easy for you to prepare well for the examination.

Section A: अपद्वठत बोधअपठित गद्यांश7 marks
अपठित काव्यांश7 marks
Total Weightage 14 marks
Section B: व्यावहारिक व्याकरणशब्द और पद2 marks
अनुस्वार2 marks
उपसर्ग4 marks
स्वर संधि3 marks
विराम चिह्न2 marks
अर्थ की दॄष्टि से वाक्य भेद3 marks
Total Weightage 16 marks
Section C: पाठ्यपुस्तक एवं पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तकगद्य खंड (पाठ्यपुस्तक)11 (5+6) marks
काव्य खंड (पाठ्यपुस्तक)11 (5+6) marks
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक (कॄतिका भाग -1)8 marks
Total Weightage 30 marks
Section D: कृतिका भाग - 2गद्य खंड6 marks
काव्य खंड6 marks
कृतिका भाग – 28 marks
Total Weightage 20 marks
Section D: रचनात्मक लेखनअनुच्छेद लेखन (सामासिक एवं व्यावहारिक जीवन से)5 marks
औपचारिक एवं अनौपचारिक पत्र5 marks
चित्र लेखन5 marks
संवाद लेखन5 marks
Total Weightage 20 marks
Total Marks (Written)80 Marks

CBSE Class 10 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025 |

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course B Weightage 2025: Internal Assessment

The weightage distribution for internal assessment for CBSE 10th Hindi B is as follows:

सामयिक आकलन 5 marks
बहुविध आकलन5 marks
श्रवण तथा वाचन5 marks
पोर्टफोलियो 5 marks
Total Weightage 20 marks

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