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CBSE Class 12 Economics Expected Question Paper 2025

Based on the questions that appeared last year from all chapters, the CBSE Class 12 Economics expected question paper 2025 has been provided on the page below.

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CBSE Class 12 Economics Expected Question Paper 2025: Although the question paper cannot be predicted, candidates may still refer to the CBSE Class 12 Economics Expected Question Paper 2025 provided here. This list of expected questions are collected from previous years' question papers and are most expected to be asked for the CBSE Class 12 Economics 2025 exam. With the exams just around the corner, these questions with help the students to prepare accordingly for the exams. 

CBSE Class 12 Economics Expected Question Paper 2025

Check the most CBSE Class 12 Economics Expected Question Paper 2025 here for reference based on the question paper pattern from the previous years: 

Q. No. Questions 
1“Tax revenue collection of the government may be categorized under two heads.”
State and explain the two heads of tax revenue.
2For two hypothetical economies, A and B, the value of Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) stands at 0.6 and 0.8, respectively. Assuming for both the
economies, Autonomous Consumption (c̅) to be ₹ 40 crore and Investment Expenditure (I) to be ₹ 100 crore. Calculate:
(I) Break-even level of income for Economy A
(II) Equilibrium level of income for Economy B
3“Basis of classification of final goods into consumption and capital goods depend on the economic nature of its use.”
Defend or refute the statement, with the help of a suitable example.
4Read the following statements carefully:
Statement 1: The British policies led to the collapse of India’s world-famous handicraft industries.
Statement 2: During the colonial rule in India, the contribution of the industrial sector to Gross Value Added (GVA) increased significantly.
In light of the given statements, choose the correct option from the following:
A. Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.
B. Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
C. Both Statements 1 and 2 are true.
D. Both Statements 1 and 2 are false
5Critically appraise the disinvestment policy initiated by the government during the reforms of 1991.
6‘To measure the extent of development in an economy, liberty indicators should be considered along with other socio-economic parameters.’ Do you agree with the given statement? Give valid reasons in support of your answer.
7‘Under the Delhi Declaration, the G-20 nations pledged to reach global net zero emissions approximately by mid-century and to triple global renewable
energy capacity by 2030.’ Discuss briefly the rationale behind the commitment by G-20 nations in the direction of achieving sustainable development.
8Discuss briefly the estimates made by notable scholars regarding the national income and per capita income during the colonial rule in India.
9‘Globalisation is an essential outcome of liberalisation of an economy’. Justify the given statement with a valid explanation.
10State the steps pertaining to the estimation of National Income under the income method.
11Read the following statements carefully:
Statement 1: Foreign grants-in-aid receipts do not lead to any claim on the government.
Statement 2: Disposal of equity by the Public Sector Undertakings in the market may lead to a decrease in the assets of the government.
In light of the given statements, choose the correct option from the following:
A. Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false.
B. Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true.
C. Both Statements 1 and 2 are true.
D. Both Statements 1 and 2 are false.
12"It would be unclear to say that, the growth of human capital lays the ground for economic growth of a nation." Do you agree with the given statement? Support your answer with valid illustrations.
13‘During the colonial period, India’s foreign trade was characterized by a large export surplus, however, this did not result in any flow of gold or silver
into India.’ Justify the given statement with valid arguments.
14“Assuming in a hypothetical economy, Real Gross Domestic Product recorded a growth rate of 9% during a fiscal year. However, the economy faced a significant challenge in terms of creating an adequate number of employment opportunities.”
Identify the situation indicated in the given statement and choose the correct option.
A. Casualisation of workforce
B. Informalisation of workforce
C. Formalisation of workforce
D. Jobless growth
15State the meaning of ‘Balance of Payments Deficit’.
16‘The reform process implemented in the late 1970s, commonly known as China’s open door policy, encompassed a wide range of reforms across sectors like agriculture, investment, industry etc. These reforms played a pivotal role in driving the rapid growth of the Chinese economy over subsequent decades.’
In the light of the given text, discuss any two reforms responsible for the rapid economic growth of China.
17‘Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) witnessed a sharp turnaround during 2023-24 with net FPI inflows of US$ 32.4 billion.’ In which sub-account and on which side of the Balance of Payments account the above transaction will be recorded? Give reasons in support of your answer.
18Read the following text carefully:
“Union Finance Minister stated, that investments in infrastructure and productive capacity have a large multiplier impact on growth and employment and in view of this, capital investment outlay is being proposed to increase steeply in the Budget 2023-24 by 1,000 crore.”
Based on the given text and common understanding, explain the working process of the increase in investment on the National Income, assuming the
Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) as 20%. 
19“Saving curve can be derived from the consumption curve”
Justify the statement, citing valid steps with the help of a well-labelled diagram.
20‘Under the Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1956 in India, the system of industrial licensing was introduced to promote regional equality.’  Justify the given statement with valid arguments.

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