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CBSE Class 12 Economics Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

The chapter-wise CBSE Class 12 Economics Weightage 2025 is given here along with the blueprint of the paper. The marks distribution for units is official and for chapters, it is unofficial as per past papers' analysis.

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CBSE Class 12 Economics Weightage 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) releases the unit and chapter-wise marks distribution for the Class 12 Economics Weightage for the 2024-25 academic session. The CBSE Class 12 Economics theory exam carries a total weightage of 80 marks, divided evenly between two sections: Part A- Introductory Macroeconomics (40 marks) and Part B- Indian Economic Development (40 marks). Additionally, there is a 20-mark practical component. Detailed marks distribution for the five chapters in Part A and the three chapters in Part B, along with the breakdown of marks for the practical exam, is provided below.

Also Read | CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet 2025 Released

CBSE Class 12 Economics Topic-Wise Weightage Distribution 2025

Refer to the table below for the section-wise CBSE Class 12 Economics Weightage 2025.

Units TopicsMarks
Part AIntroductory Macroeconomics
National Income and Related Aggregates10 marks
Money and Banking6 marks
Determination of Income and Employment12 marks
Government Budget and the Economy6 marks
Balance of Payments6 marks
Part A Total40 marks
Part BIndian Economic Development
Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 199112 marks
Current Challenges Facing the  Indian Economy20 marks
Development Experience of India – A Comparison with Neighbours8 marks
Part B Total40 marks
Part CProject Work20 marks
Total100 marks

CBSE Class 12 Economics Weightage 2025 as per Typology

Students can check the format for CBSE Class 12 Economics Question Paper 2024 in the table below.

S.NoTypology of QuestionsMarksPercentage
1Remembering and Understanding:
Exhibit memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers.
Demonstrate understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas
44 marks55%
2Applying: Solve problems to new situations by applying
acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules differently.
18 marks22.50%
3Analysing, Evaluating and Creating:
Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.
Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
18 marks22.50%
 Total80 marks100%

CBSE Class 12 Economics Weightage 2025 for Project Work

Find out the CBSE Class 12 Economics 2025 Weightage for project work here:

Project WorkWeightage
Relevance of the Topic3 marks
Knowledge Content/ Research Work6 marks
Presentation Technique3 marks
Viva-Voice8 marks
Total20 marks

CBSE Class 12 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025 |

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