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CBSE Class 12 History Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

The chapter-wise CBSE Class 12 History Weightage 2025 is given here along with the blueprint of the paper. The marks distribution for units is official and for chapters, it is unofficial as per past papers' analysis.

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CBSE Class 12 History Weightage 2025: Here is the question paper weightage and unit-wise marks distribution for the upcoming CBSE Class 12 History 2025 exam. The question paper is divided into three parts i.e., themes based on different periods of Indian History. The students can refer to the CBSE Class 12 History weightage 2025 as shared by the board on the official website. The candidates must know the complete chapter-wise marks distribution to make a better strategy for the CBSE Class 12 board exam 2025.

Also Read | CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet 2025 Released

CBSE Class 12 History Weightage 2025

The History theoretical exam of the CBSE Class 12 exam comprises three parts, Part I, II, and III. Check out the theme-wise and chapter-wise weightage here in the given table.



Theme Title

Expected Marks


Themes in Indian History Part-I


Bricks, Breads and Bones
Harappan Civilisation

6 marks

25 marks


Kings, Farmers and Town|
Early States and Economies

6 marks


Kingship, Caste and Class
Early Societies 

7 marks


Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings
Cultural Development

6 marks

Themes in Indian History Part II


Through the Eyes of Travellers
Perceptions of Society (10th to 17th century)

6 marks

25 marks


Bhakti-Sufi Traditions
Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts (8th to 18th century)

7 marks


An Imperial Capital - Vijayanagar (14th to 16th century)

5 marks


Peasants, zamindars, and the States Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire (16th to 17th century)

7 marks

Themes in Indian History Part III


Colonialism and Countryside
Exploring Official Archives

6 marks

25 marks


Rebels and Raj
1857 Revolt and its Representations

5 marks


Mahatma Gandhi and the National Movement
Civil Disobedience and Beyond

7 marks


Framing of the Constitution
The Beginning of a New Era

7 marks

Map Work

5 marks

5 marks


80 marks

CBSE Class 12 History Blueprint 2025

Here the candidates can find out the CBSE Class 12 History Blueprint 2025:


MCQ (1 mark)

Short Answer Type (3 Marks)

Large Answer Type (8 Marks)

Source-based (4 Marks)


Part I






Part II






Part III






Total Marks

1 x 21= 21

3 x 6= 18

8 x 3= 24

4 x 3= 12

80 marks



Project Work


Grand Total

100 marks

CBSE Class 12 History Weightage 2025 for Project Work

Go through the following table to get an idea about the marks distribution for the CBSE Class 12 History project work:


Assessment Rubrics



Introduction, Statement of Purpose/Need and objectives of study, Hypothesis/Research Question, Review of Literature, Methodology

6 marks


Significance and relevance of the topic, challenges encountered while conducting the research

5 marks


Content analysis and its relevance in the current scenario, Conclusion, Limitations, Bibliography, Annexures and Overall Presentation

5 marks


External/Internal VIVA based on project

4 marks


20 marks

CBSE Class 12 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025 |

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