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CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

The chapter-wise CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025 is given here along with the blueprint of the paper. The marks distribution for units is official and for chapters, it is unofficial as per past papers' analysis.

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CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025: Before you start crafting your study schedules and strategies, it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025 in your curriculum. Understanding the marks assigned to each subject area not only helps you prioritize your studies but also ensures that you allocate your time and effort more effectively.  For the academic year 2024-25, a significant portion specifically 35 marks out of a total of 80 marks is dedicated to the calculus unit. This indicates that calculus is an essential topic, and it would be wise to focus your initial study efforts on mastering this area. 

As per CBSE Class 12 syllabus, the theory paper of Mathematics  (Code Number: 041) will comprise 80 marks while the internal assessment will comprise 20 marks. There will be no overall choice in the question paper. However, 33% of internal choices will be given in all the sections.

Also Read | CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet 2025 Released

CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025

As per the units and topics, CBSE class 12 weightage distribution 2023 for Maths is tabulated below:

Unit TopicMarks DistributionTotal Weightage
Unit 1: Relations and FunctionsRelations and Functions4 marks8 marks
Inverse Trigonometry4 marks
Unit 2: AlgebraMatrices5 marks10 marks
Determinants5 marks
Unit 3: CalculusContinuity and Differentiability9 marks35 marks
Applications of Derivatives4 marks
Integrals9 marks
Applications of the Integrals6 marks
Differential Equations7 marks
Unit 4: Vectors and 3D GeometryVectors7 marks14 marks
3D Geometry7 marks
Unit 5: Linear ProgrammingLinear Programming5 marks5 marks
Unit 6: ProbabilityProbability8 marks8 marks
Total80 marks

CBSE Class 12 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025 |

CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025: Internal Assessment

Find the internal assessment distribution of CBSE Class 12 Mathematics distribution in the following table-

Periodic Tests ( Best 2 out of 3 tests conducted) 10 marks
Mathematics Activities10 marks
Total20 marks

The CBSE has shared insights into CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Weightage 2025 allowing you to refine your preparation strategy. By incorporating this information into your study plan, you can optimize your performance. Below is a breakdown of weightage distribution by topic and question types, which will help you prioritize key areas for a more efficient preparation.

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