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CBSE Class 12 Physics Daily Practice Questions 10 October 2023

The daily practice questions for CBSE Class 12 Physics Exam 2024 have been shared below for each category and section. These questions have been asked in the pas years' question papers.

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CBSE Class 12 Physics Daily Practice Questions 10 October 2023: Physics is one of the most important subjects in the Class 12th Science stream. The exam pattern for CBSE Class 12 Physics comprises 70 marks for theory and 30 marks for practical. One of the most important subjects in Class 12 Physics requires extra attention in preparation. We have shared the daily sample practice questions for CBSE Class 12 Physics mentioned below. The students can check the detailed questions for each category here.

CBSE Daily Practice Questions for Class 12 Physics 10 October 2023

For 10 October 2023, here are the CBSE Daily Practice Questions for Class 12 Physics 2024 syllabus:

Question 1: Multiple-Choice Question

If the sizes of charged bodies are very small compared to the distances between them, we treat them as __________.

  1. Zero charges
  2. Point charges
  3. Single charge
  4. No charges

Question 2: Very Short Answer Question

A proton and an electron travelling along parallel paths enter a region of uniform magnetic field, acting perpendicular to their paths. Which of them will move in a circular path with higher frequency?

Question 3: Short Answer Question

Two electric bulbs P and Q have their resistances in the ratio of 1 : 2. They are connected in series across a battery. Find the ratio of the power dissipation in these bulbs.

Question 2: Long Answer Question

  1. Define the term ‘conductivity’ of a metallic wire. Write its SI unit.
  2. Using the concept of free electrons in a conductor, derive the expression for the conductivity of a wire in terms of number density and relaxation time. Hence obtain the relation between current density and the applied electric field E.

Question 5: Case-Based Question

Read the case given below carefully and answer the questions that follow : 

The teachers of Geeta’s school took the students on a study trip to a power generating station, located nearly 200 km away from the city. The teacher explained that electrical energy is transmitted over such a long distance to their city, in the form of alternating current (ac) raised to a high voltage. At the receiving end in the city, the voltage is reduced to operate the devices. As a result, the power loss is reduced. Geeta listened to the teacher and asked questions about how the ac is converted to a higher or lower voltage.

Que. Name the device used to change the alternating voltage to a higher or lower value. State one cause for power dissipation in this device.

Que. Explain with an example, how power loss is reduced if the energy is transmitted over long distances as an alternating current rather than a direct current.

Que. Write two values each shown by the teachers and Geeta.

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