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CG PET 2023 notification expected to be released in March

CG PET 2023 notification is expected to be released in the month of March by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CPEB). Scroll down below to check the details regarding CG PET 2023. 

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CG PET 2023 notification will soon be announced by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CPEB). The notification is likely to be out in the month of March. Based on the past trends, we can conclude that the application process will start somewhere near the third week of March. Candidates who want to take admission into undergraduate courses of engineering in the state of Chhattisgarh can visit the official website- and fill out the form once released. The exam is conducted once every year in an offline mode. Scroll down below to check the details regarding CG PET 2023. 

CG PET 2023: Expected Dates

The expected date for CG PET 2023 notification based on the previous year has been given down below in a tabulated form- 
Release of notificationMarch 2023
Start of application processThird week of March 2023
End of application processApril  2023
Issue of admit cardApril 2023
Exam dateSecond or third week of May 2023

CG PET 2023: Highlights

Those who are willing to appear for the exam must check the overview of CG PET 2023- 
Exam nameChhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test (CG PET)
Conducting bodyChhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CPEB)
Level of examNational level
Courses offeredUndergraduate courses in engineering
Exam frequencyOnce every year
Mode of the examPen and paper based 
Exam duration3 hours
Total question150
No. of test cities27
Colleges accepting exam scores41

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