CLAT UG 105 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025

105 marks in CLAT UG 2025 means which rank? Here is the detailed analysis of CLAT UG 105 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025, prepared as per the trends of the previous years.

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Predict your Rank

CLAT UG 105 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025: Candidates wondering what the expected rank for 105 marks in CLAT UG 2025 examination can be, can check out the marks vs expected rank analysis provided on the page below. The CLAT 2025 expected rank of 105 marks has been provided in a range format and has been calculated based on the previous year’s trend. 

According to our calculation, the CLAT 2025 expected rank of 110 to 105 marks can be somewhat between AIR 7 to 10. Since the full mark of the examination is 120, any candidate obtaining 120 will be placed in AIR 1, a 119 score can be AIR 2, and likewise, 105, can be between AIR 7 to AIR 10. If there are more than 10 candidates obtaining scores between 105 to 120, then the AIR analysis provided here can change. In that case, 105 marks can be till AIR 15 also. Considering all the possibilities, CLAT UG 105 marks vs expected rank 2025 has been provided in the table below for better understanding. Below, we’ve provided calculations from 105 to 120 marks. 

CLAT UG 105 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025

Based on the previous year’s trend, CLAT UG 105 marks vs expected rank 2025 have been displayed in the following table: 

CLAT 2025 Raw Marks

CLAT 2025 Expected Rank

120 to 115 marks

AIR 1 to 2

115 to 110 marks

AIR 3 to 6

110 to 105 marks

AIR 7 to 10

105+ marks

Up to AIR 13

105 marks in CLAT UG 2025 examination is a very good score as it is only 15 marks less than the full marks. Therefore according to it, AIR 7 to 10 is a very good rank in CLAT UG 2025. With this rank, candidates can meet the cutoff for top colleges and secure admission to their preferred colleges. 

CLAT UG Marks vs Expected Rank 2025 |

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