CLAT UG 85 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025

85 marks in CLAT UG 2025 means which rank? Here is the detailed analysis of CLAT UG 85 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025, prepared as per the trends of the previous years.

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Predict your Rank

CLAT UG 85 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025: Aspiring law students can find CLAT UG 85 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025 on this page to anticipate the selection chances. Based on historical data from prior CLAT UG 2025 results, this research focuses primarily on applicants who receive 85 marks and offers insights into their likely ranks. For candidates achieving a score of 85 marks, the anticipated rank in CLAT UG 2025 is projected to be around AIR 1250. This rank is considered commendable and can open doors to various prestigious law institutions across the country, enhancing the chances of admission into sought-after programs.

In addition, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the expected rank analysis for the range of 85 to 90 marks. This detailed evaluation aims to guide candidates in understanding their performance better and setting realistic expectations for their CLAT journey.

CLAT UG 85 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025

Based on the previous year’s trend, CLAT UG 85 marks vs expected rank 2025 have been displayed in the following table: 

CLAT 2025 Raw Marks

CLAT 2025 Expected Rank

90+ marks

Up to AIR 870

89.5+ marks

Up to AIR 910

89+ marks

Up to AIR 950

88.5+ marks

Up to AIR 990

88+ marks

Up to AIR 1,030

87.5+ marks

Up to AIR 1,060

87+ marks

Up to AIR 1,090

86.5+ marks

Up to AIR 1,130

86+ marks

Up to AIR 1,170

85.5+ marks

Up to AIR 1,210

85+ marks

Up to AIR 1,250

The above evaluation provides an in-depth examination of the anticipated ranking patterns for all candidates achieving 85 marks or higher. The CLAT UG 2025 will be factored into the CLAT counselling process for that year, which is projected to start in January.

CLAT UG Marks vs Expected Rank 2025 |

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