CLAT UG 90 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025

90 marks in CLAT UG 2025 means which rank? Here is the detailed analysis of CLAT UG 90 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025, prepared as per the trends of the previous years.

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Predict your Rank

CLAT UG 90 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025: Candidates who are curious about their potential rank in the CLAT 2025 examination with a score of 90 marks can find valuable insights on the page linked below. We have conducted an analysis based on previous years' data, which suggests that a score of 90 marks may correspond to a rank of AIR 870. It’s important to note that the official data regarding raw marks versus rank is yet to be released by the exam authorities. However, our calculations are based on trends observed in past years, and we anticipate that the ranking outcome will closely reflect our findings. Thus, while our calculations provide a useful estimate, candidates should remain aware of these variables that could impact their final ranking after the official results are announced.

CLAT UG 90 Marks vs Expected Rank 2025

Based on the previous year’s trend, CLAT UG 90 marks vs expected rank 2025 have been displayed in the following table: 

CLAT 2025 Raw Marks

CLAT 2025 Expected Rank

95+ marks

Up to AIR 320

94.5+ marks

Up to AIR 385

94+ marks

Up to AIR 450

93.5+ marks

Up to AIR 510

93+ marks

Up to AIR 570

92.5+ marks

Up to AIR 635

92+ marks

Up to AIR 700

91.5+ marks

Up to AIR 755

91+ marks

Up to AIR 810

90.5+ marks

Up to AIR 840

90+ marks

Up to AIR 870

Several factors could influence significant deviations from the projected rankings. For instance, if there is a notable increase in the total number of candidates appearing for the exam, this could lead to shifts in rank distribution. Additionally, in cases where multiple candidates achieve the same score, tie-breaking criteria may come into play, potentially affecting overall rank positions. 

CLAT UG Marks vs Expected Rank 2025 |

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