CLAT UG Expected Rank 2025: Marks vs rank analysis for LLB admission

Here is the detailed analysis of CLAT UG Expected Rank 2025, prepared per the trends of previous years. Check here for marks vs rank analysis for LLB admission.

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Predict your Rank

CLAT UG Expected Rank 2025: The detailed marks vs rank analysis for LLB admission through CLAT UG 2025 is listed here for reference of aspirants. Candidates shall note the CLAT UG Expected Rank 2025. Depending on the previous year's trends, the expected rank for raw CLAT UG 2025 marks has been prepared through a thorough analysis. Aspirants shall refer here to the marks vs rank analysis provided here in range format for marks as well as expected ranks as the actual ranks may not be predicted. 

CLAT UG Expected Rank 2025: Marks vs rank analysis

Check the table below for CLAT UG 2025 expected rank vs marks based on the previous year's trends for reference: 

CLAT 2025 Raw Marks

CLAT 2025 Expected Rank

120 to 110 marks

AIR 1 to 6

110 to 105 marks

AIR 7 to 10

105 to 100 marks

AIR 8 to 70

100 to 95 marks

AIR 70 to 320

95 to 90 marks

AIR 320 to 870

90 to 88 marks

AIR 870 to 1,610

80 to 70 marks

AIR 1,610 to 2,900

70 to 60 marks

AIR 2,900 to 6,500

60 to 50 marks

AIR 6,500 to 11,700

50 to 40 marks

AIR 11,700 to 19,900

40 to 30 marks

AIR 19,900 to 28,800

30 to 20 marks

AIR 28,800 to 41,700

20 to 10 marks

AIR 41,700 to 52,100

Less than 10 marks

AIR 52,100 to Last Rank

Since various factors are considered to determine the ranks obtained by the candidates against the marks obtained by them, the table above is merely an example of what shall be expected of CLAT UG expected rank 2025 based on their marks. Refer to know and prepare accordingly. 

CLAT UG Marks vs Expected Rank 2025 |

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