COMEDK Shift 2 Analysis 2023 (Available): Difficulty Level, Weightage, Good Attempts

COMEDK 2023 was conducted on May 28 in two shifts. Obtain here COMEDK Shift 2 Analysis 2023 in terms of its section-wise difficulty level, topics with high weightage, and expected number of good attempts.

COMEDK Shift 2 Analysis 2023 (Available): Difficulty Level, Weightage, Good Attempts

COMEDK Analysis 2023 Shift 1: The afternoon Shift 2 for COMEDK 2023 exam was conducted by the Consortium of Medical, Engineering, and Dental Colleges in Karnataka (COMEDK) today, from 2 PM to 5 PM. The exam was held in an online computer-based mode. COMEDK question paper 2023 includes 180 questions carrying 1 mark each. No negative marking was there for incorrect answers. The question was asked from three sections - Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. There was no internal sectional time limit in the paper. Those candidates who appeared for COMEDK 2023 Shift 2 exam today can have a look at the detailed COMEDK question paper analysis 2023 on the basis of the exam level's difficulty, expected good attempts and weightage can predict your exam scores.

Latest (May 30, 2023):

COMEDK Shift 2 Analysis 2023: Students Reviews

Since the exam was held in online mode, therefore analysis is drawn based on the initial feedback and reactions of the students who appeared for today’s exam.

  • The overall difficulty level of the exam was easy to moderate.
  • The Physics section was moderate and easy as compared to shift 1.
  • The Chemistry section was easy to moderate. There was some time taking questions.
  • The Mathematics section was moderate and a bit complicated as compared to shift 1.
  • Relations and Functions had the highest weightage in Mathematics.
  • Laws of motion had the highest weightage in Physics.
  • p and s-block elements had the highest weightage in Chemistry.

COMEDK Question Paper Analysis 2023 Shift 2

The section-wise difficulty level of Shift 2 based on the initial reactions and reviews of aspirants is mentioned in the table below.

ParticularsShift 2 Analysis
Overall difficulty levelEasy to Moderate
Difficulty level of physicsModerate
Difficulty level of chemistryEasy to Moderate
Difficulty level of mathematicsModerate
Was the paper lengthy?No
Most time-consuming sectionMathematics

COMEDK Shift 2 Analysis 2023: Topics with high weightage

The topics with the highest weightage from each section in shift 2 are mentioned below.

SectionTopics with high weightage
PhysicsMotion in a straight line, Uniform, and non-uniform motion, Laws of Motion, Kinetic and potential energies, Centre of mass of a rigid body, Thermodynamics, Dual Nature of Matter, and Radiation
ChemistryAtomic models, state function and path function, Heat, Work, Dynamic nature of equilibrium, Redox reactions and Electrochemistry, s- Block & p-Block Elements and metallurgy, Chemical Kinetics, Environmental Chemistry
MathematicsRelations and Functions, Real valued functions and their graphs, Trigonometric Functions, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Binomial Theorem, Probability, Matrices

COMEDK Shift 2 Analysis 2023: Expected good attempts

Candidates can find the expected good attempts from each section in the table below.

SectionTotal QuestionsExpected Good Attempts

COMEDK 2023 Related Reads

Related to COMEDK 2023 exam, the following links are helpful:

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