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Course For Chartered Accountants At Tinsukia

The The Internal Audit Standards Board of the ICAI is going to organize the 246th batch of the Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit on Banks on May

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The The Internal Audit Standards Board of the ICAI is going to organize the 246th batch of the Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit on Banks on May 21 and 22, May 28 and 29 and June 4 and 5 at Hotel Highness, GNB road, Tinsukia. The event will be hosted by the Tinsukia Branch of The Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

The course is exclusively aimed at enhancing the quality of concurrent audit reporting in the country and highlighting the significance of Chartered Accountants in the banking sector. In addition, it also caters to those students who wish to take up Chartered Accountancy as a career in their future. Many faculty members from outside the state will be attending the program and speaking on various topics which will be divided into 24 sessions of 90 minutes each.

The chairman of the course is Mukesh Singh Kushwah, Chairman, Internal Audit Standards Board and Sushil Kumar Goyal and Debasish Mitra is the course directors. Shashi B Goel, Chairman, Tinsukia Branch of EIRC od ICAI is the course coordinator.

The program is expected to be beneficial for the many upcoming CA fraternity of the region. On behalf of the managing committee, Shashi B Goel has requested all the chartered accountants of north-east to be a part of the program.

Source: Darshana Brahma, City Journalist, Guwahati, CollegeDekhoe

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