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DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic CAP Round 2 Vacant Seats 2023 Released: Download college-wise vacant seat details

After Round 1 allocation, candidates can check provisional vacancy position through DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic CAP Round 2 Vacant Seats 2023 PDF. Its direct download link is available here.

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DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic CAP Round 2 Vacant Seats 2023: The Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra has released DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic CAP Round 2 vacant seats 2023 PDF on August 5, 2023, at poly23.dtemaharashtra.gov.in. The vacancy seat matrix PDF includes the choice code, and college, course, and category-wise vacancies left after Round 1 seat allotment for all participating institutions. It is to be noted that the vacant seat matrix will not consider the consequential vacancies.

Candidates can access the direct link to check DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic CAP Round 2 2023 vacancy seat matrix here. Based on the vacancies, candidates can shortlist their preferred courses and colleges for option-form filling. The choice filling and locking process will commence tomorrow, August 6, and continue until August 8, 2023. Based on the choices filled by the candidates, the tentative seat allotment for CAP Round 2 will be released on August 10, 2023

DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic CAP Round 2 Vacant Seats 2023 Link

The direct link to view the vacancies for DTE Maharashtra Polytechnic 2023 CAP Round 2 is stated here: 

Candidates must keep a note of the choice code of their preferred course, and college in the vacant seats PDF as they might be required to enter the same during the choice-filled process. Having said that, the vacancy matrix contains the vacancies choice code for all Government, government-autonomous, unaided, and government-aided Engineering colleges. The vacancies for PwD and DEF, and Technical/Non-Technical are also provided in the list separately. Candidates are advised to refer to the vacancy seat matrix and the cutoff for Round 1 to better predict their admission chances and thus shortlist their college-branch preferences accordingly.

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more Education News pertaining to entrance exams, boards, and admission. You can also write to us at our E-Mail ID news@collegedekho.com.

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