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DU Receives Maximum Literature Applications

Yesterday i.e. 22nd June’ 16 was the last date to register for the University of Delhi commonly known as DU. The Delhi University received 2,50,

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Yesterday i.e. 22nd June’ 16 was the last date to register for the University of Delhi commonly known as DU. The Delhi University received 2,50,220 applicants till 5pm yesterday, out of which 1,20,295 were female students, 1,29,910 were male students and 15 belonged to the other category.
In the sports quota, 18,000 students have applied for the 2,700 seats available which make the competition extremely tough.
But all in all, literature program has received the maximum number of applications which is 1,15,786. In the second position, we have BA Hons, third place goes to Political Science Hons and forth to Economics Hons. This year, students have gone for humanities subjects and the majority of applications are from Delhi heights, next in line are students from UP and then Haryana.
Now, the university will provide this admission data to the affiliated colleges and the colleges will work on the first cutoff list. The very first cut off list of this year will be available on 30th June’ 16.

Students who wish to take admission through sports quota will have given a fitness trail which starts from tomorrow i.e. 24th June’ 16.
“The college will retain the certificates of approved candidate in order to avoid multiple admissions. The certificates will remain with the colleges during the admission process,” said a university official.

This year everything is digital, if you have the required percentage then you can just log in, select your desired college and pay the fees once the cutoff is announced.
Time of 3 days will be given for admissions under each list. However, the approved applicant is permitted to make online fee payment till 12 noon of the next day. Under the first list, the students can pay the fee until July 3.
The university will release only five cutoff lists this year. For the students registered under the Children of War Widows, the admission process will begin from July 5 at the conference centre.

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