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DU Students Sort Issues of Admission Seekers on Radio

Delhi University is in the midst of its admission process, with a lot of students confused regarding the details of the procedure. To clear the chaos,

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Delhi University is in the midst of its admission process, with a lot of students confused regarding the details of the procedure. To clear the chaos, administration of the university and student volunteers collaboratively have come up with two “admission special” shows on Delhi University Community Radio (DUCR), 90.4 MHz.

DUCR was started in 2007 and is currently airing 2 shows for half an hour each, to answer admission related queries of students and parents. It is currently holds DU Ki Hulchul stars at 10.30am and Admission Express at 2pm to clear confusion regarding the admission process.

Although colleges under Delhi University have been organizing ‘Open Day’ to address all the doubts of aspirants, there was need for more sources that could ease up the process.

“Since admissions are on, we decided that it would be best to have shows that would address various admission concerns of the students. The admission specials started on June 1 and will go on till the admissions are on,” said RK Singh, Consultant at DUCR.

The show ‘DU Ki Hulchul’ talks about admission process. All queries regarding admission, criteria, cut-offs, information on open days, and important dates are addressed on the show. A senior volunteer, Anil Kumar, said that the show is basically about all that is currently causing confusion in the campus. According to him the show is hosted to resolve the ‘hulchul’ that is going on due to the admissions. Volunteers also talk to the students who have come to the campus in search of answers.

Admission Express discusses two colleges of the university each day where they talk about the colleges’ history, location, alumni, courses and facilities. It also airs recordings of Open Day sessions. The show also broadcasts Dean of Students’ Welfare Association’s session that were organized at the Open Days. The recordings have helped a lot of students who could not attend Open Day sessions and are looking for answers.

The Open Day sessions will come to an end on 19th June. The administration is planning to increase the air time of the two shows. DUCR will start providing information of two courses each day where they will talk about the subjects that are in the curriculum and the colleges that provide the course.

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