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Exam Update: Lucknow University's UG exams begin from March 1, 2016

Undergraduate examinations of Lucknow University kick started from March 1, 2016 onwards. According to examination Controller SK Shukla, the universit

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Undergraduate examinations of Lucknow University kick started from March 1, 2016 onwards. According to examination Controller SK Shukla, the university was taking all possible steps to ensure that no copying took place in examinations. He said that there are total 52 centres had been set up and more than 25,000 candidates would be appearing for the examination on the first day for the Sociology examinations.

The students will not be allowed to carry mobile phones or calculators and any student who is found in possession of these things will be charged with the use of unfair means. There will be flying squads which will check the centres.

The examination Controller told that they had sought the help of the district administration for imposing Section 144 CrPC outside the various centres and deploy adequate force so that peace and order was maintained. He said that last year the VC himself had visited the centres and there was no case of copying.

The examinations will be held in two sessions, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

Source: Rahul Pandey, City Journalist - Lucknow, CollegeDekho

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