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Expected Important Topics for JEE Main 22nd July 2021

Check the expected important topics of JEE Main July 22nd 2021 exam based on the previous phases & shifts exam analysis here along with topic-wise weightage.

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As JEE Main 2021 Phase 3 is being conducted on alternative days, students now have time to assess the difficulty level of question paper for each shift and boost up the last minute revision accordingly. With an aim to help students with enhancing their last-minute preparation, we have made a detailed analysis of the July 20, March 16 and February 24 question papers so that students will get an idea of the expected predicted topics along with topic-wise weightage. Please note that the below analysis is based on expert analysis, and students can consider the below information as a basic reference.

Predicted Important Topics for JEE Main 22nd July 2021

You can check the list of predicted important topics of JEE Main 22nd July 2021 along with the chapter/ topic-wise weightage –


Chapters with High Weightage in July 20 Shift 1+2

Chapters with High Weightage in March 16 Shift 1+2 Weightage

Chapters with High Weightage in February 24 Shift 1+2


  • Mechanics
  • Modern Physics
  • Electrodynamics
  • Mechanics
  • Modern Physics
  • Electrodynamics
  • Heat & Thermodynamics
  • Mechanics
  • Modern Physics


  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry


  • Differential Calculus
  • Probability
  • Vector & 3D
  • Coordinate Geometry
  • Vector & 3D
  • Differential Calculus
  • Differential Calculus
  • Integral Calculus

Expected Topic-Wise Weightage for JEE Main 22nd July 2021

The below table will give more insight and clarity on expected important topics for July 22 exam –

Name of the Topic

Total No. of Questions in July 20 Shift 1+2 Exam

Percentage of Questions in March 16 Shift 1+2 Exam

Total No. of Questions in February 23 Shift 1+2 Exam


9+13 = 22



Modern Physics

5+8 = 13




7+3 = 10



Organic Chemistry

8+7 = 15



Inorganic Chemistry

8+11 = 19



Differential Calculus

4+4 = 8




2+1 =3



Vector & 3D

3+2 = 5



From the above data, you can easily get an idea of the expected important topics for the July 22 exam. You can also note that at least one question from each topic will be asked from each chapter on average. You can also check the links below for additional details.

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JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper

2024 Physics Paper Morning Shift

Previous Year Question Paper

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