Grace Marks Policy for Bihar Board Inter Results 2025: Will BSEB really award grace marks?

Bihar Board Inter Results 2025 grace marks policy details can be checked here along with the important facts on how BSEB awards these marks and possible scenarios. 

Grace Marks Policy for Bihar Board Inter Results 2025: Will BSEB really award grace marks?

Bihar Board Inter Grace Marks 2025: Bihar School Examinations Board declared the BSEB Inter Result 2025 today, March 25. There have been several discussions and rumours among the students regarding the grace marks policy of BSEB Inter Results. For the past few years, BSEB did not release any official document on the grace marks policy but in 2018, the board clarified that grace marks shall be awarded to students under certain conditions. It is the decision of the Bihar board whether to award grace marks or not to students but in some cases, the policy is considered. The possible scenarios where awarding grace marks could be possible in Bihar Inter Exams 2025 can be checked here. 

Bihar Board Inter Results 2025 Grace Marks: Possible Scenarios

Here are the possible scenarios which are usually considered by the Bihar Board for awarding grace marks in BSEB Inter Results -
  • If a student fails in 1-2 subjects by a margin of 1 or 2 marks, awarding grace marks could be possible for such students
  • If a student fails in only one subject by a margin of a maximum of 5 to 7 marks, then the student might be awarded grace marks and declared pass
  • If any student scores 75% of marks overall in Inter exams and fails in one subject, awarding grace marks could be possible for the board 
  • If any student fails in language subjects, awarding grace marks might not be possible. Such students must mandatorily appear for the compartment exams
  • If any student fails in 2 subjects by the margin of 2-3 marks, the board might consider awarding grace marks to such students
  • If any student fails in 2 subjects by the margin of 2 marks in one subject and 10 marks in another subject, then grace marks might be awarded to only one subject where the gap is low, i.e., 2 marks 
  • Grace marks are awarded to students if there are errors in the question paper. BSEB takes responsibility for errors and awards grace marks to students
Note: It is up to the Bihar board to decide whether to award grace marks or not, and students are advised to consider the above information as the basic reference and not final. The board might issue a clarification regarding the awarding of grace marks after the result announcement.

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