Haryana Govt. to Implement CBCS in UG Subjects
- Haryana government will implement CBCS in 11 subjects at UG level.
- The syllabus and workload of these 11 subjects will also be revised.
With a motive to keep pace with the global scenario in terms of employability skills of the students, the state government of Haryana has come up with an idea to implement Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for subjects offered at Under Graduate (UG) level.
On April 08, 2018, the state government has approved the proposal to revise the syllabus of 11 subjects at UG level. Similarly, CBCS will be applicable to all these 11 subjects. The following are the subjects at UG level for which CBCS will be applicable are: -
- Geography
- Commerce
- Zoology
- Botany
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Psychology
- Political Science
- Economics
Also Read: Calcutta University Likely to Implement CBCS
For each subject mentioned above, the state government has constituted committees comprising of six experience faculty members each. The members of these committees will visit some of the colleges and universities in Rohtak and Kurukshetra to frame modalities for the implementation of CBCS and revise the syllabus.
Initially, the committees will review the existing syllabi in the universities of Haryana and neighbouring states. UGC’s model curriculum and guidelines of CBCS will be reviewed by the committee to implement the same in Haryana universities.
Also Read: SPPU to Revise CBCS (Choice-Based Credit System)
CBCS is expected to improve the knowledge and skills of the students in these 11 subjects. The new system will enable the students to have an in-depth understanding of the subject. Application-based concepts and case studies will also help the students to gain practical experience.