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Haryana NMMS SAT Unofficial Answer Key 2024 Set-Wise (Available)

SCERT Haryana is conducting the NMMS examination on November 17. For the Scholastic Aptitude Test, Haryana NMMS SAT Unofficial Answer Key 2024 can be obtained on this page for all sets. 

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Haryana NMMS SAT Unofficial Answer Key 2024: Candidates are invited to access the unofficial answer key for the Haryana National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) SAT examination, which was conducted on November 17, 2024. This unofficial answer key is a crucial resource for candidates, as it enables them to estimate their tentative scores in the Haryana NMMS exam. The Haryana NMMS SAT Unofficial Answer Key 2024 comprises solutions for all 90 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) featured in the examination.

Also Read | Haryana NMMS MAT Unofficial Answer Key 2024 Set-Wise

Haryana NMMS SAT Unofficial Answer Key 2024 Set-Wise

Access the unofficial answer keys for all the 90 Haryana NMMS SAT questions below and analyse your probable examination scores. 

Question numberAnswer Key
912. Switch off Position
924. All of Above
932. It is known as Nehru Point
943. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
953. 7
962. 25 km
971. Change in state
983. Palghat Pass
993, Cauvery Nadi Delta
1003. Rajan would put 3 cups of water to cook 1.5 cups of rice
1013. Electroplating
1022. Oxygen is not available.
1032. 35
1041. Circle
1054. Sold, Liquid and Gas
1061. A (i) B (iv) C (iii) D (ii)
1072. Kanara Plains
1082. 9 hours
1091. Radiation
1104. Jammu and Kashmir
1111. Mica
1121. Kannada
1131. Assam
1144. Tropical region
1153. Angkorwat Temple
1163. Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Puducherry
1171. Only statement (i) is true
1181. i (b) ii (a) iiii (d) iv (c)
1192. To decrease friction
1204. Hans Christian Oersted
1214. Electroscope
1222. Begum Hazrat Mahal
1232. 1793
1243. Harshvardhan
1254. i (c) ii (d) iii (b) iv (a)
1263. Prime Minister
1274. Raskhan
1282. Treaty of Pondicheery
1293. a,b,c
1303. Visharda
1312. Vascular Issue
1324. ii, iii, i, iv
1331. Vinegar
1344. Carbon dioxide
1352. Waste in pit B degraded faster than that in pit A
1363. cell membrane, mitochondria, ribosome, chromosome
1373. The Assertion A is correct, but the Reason R is incorrect
1384. Exhaustible Natural Resource
1392. a ii, b i, c iv, d, iii
1403. Endangered
1412 i, ii, iii
1422. Evaporation
1432. Protein
1442. i (d) ii (e) iii (a) iv (b) v (c)
1451. Oesophagus, Large Intestine, Rectum
1461. Red Phosphorus
1471. Petrol
1483. Puberty is a part of adolescence, which is a broader developmental phase
1493. The assertation A is correct, but the reason R is incorrect
1503. Copper is a better conductor of heat than stainless steel
1512. 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
1523. 1: 2000,000
1531. x + 4
1544 88 cm
1553. Tamil Nadu
1563. Parliament
1571. 2005
1584. Square
1593. 10
1602. 4 x2 - 9 = (2x + 3) (2x - 3)
1612. 2
1621. 4 a6 b
1631. 10 cm
1642. 1/0
1652. 10 days
1664. -5
1674. 80 degrees
1681. Rs 45,000
1691. Native
1703. 1/3
1712. Gender Discrimination
1721. Concave Mirror
1731. In New Delhi
1741. Secular State
1753. Constituency 
1763. 7
1774. Bag having a handle of more width as it exerts less pressure 
1782. A copper rod
1793. at both the central and state level
1804. All of the above

After releasing the official answer key, the candidates can check it on the official website i.e., The official Haryana NMMS SAT answer key 2024 will be available in a single PDF for Sets (A, B, C, and D). So that before releasing the result, the candidates can get an idea about the obtainable marks in the exam. 1 mark will be added for every correct answer. No negative marking will be there for the incorrectly marked answer.

The NMMS SAT question paper is structured to assess knowledge across three subject areas: Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. Specifically, the Science section carries a total of 35 marks, the Social Studies section also comprises 35 marks, and the Mathematics section contributes 20 marks. Candidates are encouraged to utilize this unofficial answer key for a preliminary evaluation of their performance and to prepare for the next stages of the selection process.

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