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ICAI CA Exam 2020 Postponed: Revised Exam Dates Here

The Institute of Chartered Accountants has postponed the CA 2020 examination. The Institute has postponed the final, inter, and foundation course examination.

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ICAI  has postponed the Chartered Accountant examination due to COVID-19 outbreak. The Institute has postponed the final, inter and foundation course examination. The revised dates for ICAI CA 2020 exams are out and they will now be conducted from November 21 to December 14. All the ICAI CA Examinations will be held in a single shift starting from 2 pm. 

The institute has also come up with an opt-out option for the students who are suffering from COVID-19 or having symptoms of the same. Such candidates will be allowed to carry forward their candidature with a due carryover of all benefits already available to students including the fee paid and exemptions for the next examination, i.e., May 2021 examination.

SOP for CA November 2020 Exam

  • The seating areas should be properly sanitised including door handles, railings etc.
  • Candidates can also sanitise the seating area with his/her own hand sanitizer and will also be allowed to carry face shield, hand gloves, etc. for additional protection.
  • Candidates are allowed to carry few items during the CA November 2020 exam. The items which are allowed during the exam includes face masks, face shield which is optional, hand gloves, personal transparent water bottle, personal hand sanitizer bottle, exam related items/documents like calculators, stationery items, Admit Card, Photo ID card, etc as instructed.
  • Thermo scanning for temperature check of students. staff is mandatory and hand sanitizers will be available at the entry and inside the exam venue.
  • Social distancing to be followed during the seating of two students.

As per the notice, students who previously applied for May 2020 ICAI exams will be offered an option to change their respective groups of appearance and the centre of exam. This option will be available to students while filling out the application form for November 2020 ICAI exams. The notice further stated that students will also be “free to exercise fresh options” for groups that they wish to appear for during the November 2020 exams.

Previously, the ICAI had postponed the May 2020 Chartered Accountancy exams many times due to regulations. The institute also added an opt-option for students, if they wish to appear for the exams or miss it altogether. However, the option, which was available between 17th June to 20th June 2020, was considered to be unfair and unequal by many.

Also Read:ICAI CA Registration Revised Dates: Check Here

With the recent relaxations in COVID-19 lockdown, the number of cases has unfortunately increased, which has forced certain restrictions to assure the safety of the citizens. Thus, for the health and safety all of its aspirants, the Institute has announced the cancellation of the ICAI May 2020 examinations. However, depending on the situation at the time, the ICAI May 2020 examinations will be merged with the November 2020 exams as well.

Also Read:Home Examinations for ICAI CA Integrated Courses

The institute has also advised the applicants to contact them through the given email address and raise their concerns and doubts regarding the same. While generally, the ICAI offers two separate attempts to the aspiring CAs of the country, this year, there will only be one attempt in November, assuming the conditions are favourable.

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