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ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Weightage 2025: Unit and chapter-wise marks distribution

The marks distribution of ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Weightage 2025 across all units and chapters is provided here. Do note that the weightage is unofficial and as per previous years' papers analysis.

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ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Weightage 2025: The Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) does not officially disclose the ICSE Class 10 marking. However, by carefully reviewing previous years' question papers, we may establish an overall weightage for each chapter in the Chemistry syllabus for the 2024–2025 curricular year. A total of 80 marks will be allotted for the ICSE Class 10 Chemistry theory test, whereas a 20-point internal assessment will be considered. For the students' reference, the chapter-by-chapter weightage and question paper format are all included here.

ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Weightage 2025

Students to appear for the ICSE Class 10 2025 exam shall check here to know the expected chapter-wise weightage and accordingly prepare for the upcoming board exams: 

Chapter NameWeightage
Chapter 1: Periodic Properties and variations of Properties – Physical and Chemical10 marks
Chapter 2: Chemical Bonding 8 marks
Chapter 3: Study of Acids, Bases and Salts12 marks
Chapter 4: Analytical Chemistry5 marks
Chapter 5: Mole Concept and Stoichiometry12 marks
Chapter 6: Electrolysis8 marks
Chapter 7: Metallurgy10 marks
Chapter 8: Study of Compounds20 marks
Chapter 9: Organic Chemistry15 marks

ICSE Class 10 Chemistry 2025 Question Paper Pattern

The following table presents a detailed distribution of marks as per the question paper pattern for reference of the students:

Question Number Question TypeWeightage per QuestionMarks
Question 1Multiple-choice questions (MCQs)1 marks1 x 15 =15 Marks 
Question 2Short Answer Type Question5 marks5 x 5 = 25 Marks
Question 3Mix of Short and Long Answer Type questions (Any 4 questions to be attempted)10 marks10 x 4=40 Marks
Total80 Marks

ICSE Class 10 Chemistry 2025: Specimen Question Paper

To obtain the best results, students are required to be well-prepared for the exams. The specimen question paper is provided here for reference in the board exams: 

ICSE Class 10 Subject-Wise Weightage 2025|

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