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ICSI CS 2021 Result for June Session (Released)

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has announced the CS Professional, Executive and Foundation exam results for the June session on October 13, 2021. Check details below.


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The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has declared the result of the CS Professional, Executive and Foundation programme. Candidates can check their results by following the link given below. 

Candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in each paper and have to score 50 per cent marks in aggregate of all papers put together for passing the executive programme. Those who wish to get copies of the answer book of any subject (s) can apply online or offline according to the prescribed procedure from the date of announcement of the result. The online facility for getting the copied answer book will be open from October 14 till November 12, 2021. The fee required is INR 500 per certified copy of answer books and INR 450 per subject.

ICSI CS Professional, Executive and Foundation Exam Toppers 2021

The first three rank holders for the professional programmes (old syllabus and new syllabus) are as follows. The toppers list for the Executive and Foundation programmes will be updated shortly as soon as the information is available.

Professional Programme (New Syllabus) List of Toppers 2021

Rank 1 Vaishnavi Badrinarayan Biyani 
Rank 2Modita Sahu 
Rank 3Vandita Lalitbhai Tank 

Professional Programme (Old Syllabus) List of Toppers 2021

Rank 1 Eshan Manoj Loiya 
Rank 2Ravali Mulagada 
Rank 3Disha Jain 

ICSI CS 2020 List of Toppers

Akanksha Gupta from Madhya Pradesh topped the executive programme (new syllabus) exam, while Tanmay Agarwal secured rank 1 in the executive programme (old syllabus) exam. In the new syllabus exam, Bhavika Manish Kanodia secured rank 2 followed by Princy Trivedi. Smoni Kamleshkumar Shah bagged the second position in the old syllabus exam followed by Manas Ravindra Rode. 

How to Check ICSI CS Result?

Given below is the step by step process to check out the ISCI result:

Step 1: Visit the official website-

Step 2: Click on the link for results

Step 3: In the provided fields, enter the required details

Step 4: Click on submit

Step 5: Your result will be displayed on the screen

Step 6: Download the same and take a printout for future reference

Verification of Marks

All the candidates who have appeared for the exam will be allowed to verify their marks within 30 days from the date of the announcement of the results. If the candidates are willing to apply for verification of marks, he/ she will have to submit an online/ offline application by paying a fee of Rs. 250 per subject.

What after the ICSI CS Result?

After the declaration of the ICSI CS June 2021 session result on October 13, the enrolment will begin for the next exams from October 14 onward. The next exam for the Executive programme (old and new syllabus) and the professional programme (old and new syllabus) will be conducted from Dec 21 onward for which the online exam enrollment form with the exam fee has to be submitted from Oct 14 onward.

ICSI CS Previous Years' Results

Once the results have been declared, candidates who appeared in the ICSI CS December 2020 examination can check the results through the official website - Candidates can also use the direct link given below to check their results for the ICSI CS December 2020 Professional and Executive programmes. All of the latest updates regarding the ICSI CS results will be available on this page. Candidates can keep checking this space for the latest information and updates from ICSI.

ICSI CS Professional Programme Toppers December 2019

The Top 3 Rank Holders in the ICSI CS Professional course (New & Old Syllabus) December 2019 can be found below.

List of ICSI CS Professional Toppers
RankName of Student
New SyllabusOld Syllabus
1Shruti Kalpesh ShahHarshit Jain
2Urvashi GuptaSushil Pratap Kumavat
3Maitri Yogesh MeghaniAbdulkadir Khozem Jawadwala

ICSI CS Executive Programme Toppers December 2019

Here are the toppers of the ICSI CS Executive course (New & Old Syllabus).

List of ICSI CS Executive Toppers
RankName of Student
New SyllabusOld Syllabus
1Kalyani Ashwin PundlikPriya G
2Amandeepsingh Davindersingh OberoiJosh Rajan Vazhachira
3Pulak BansalVenkata Surendra Muli

Toppers of ICSI CS Executive Programme June 2019

Check out the list of ICSI CS Executive (Old & New Syllabus) Programme June 2019-

RankName of the Topper ( Executive Programme - New Syllabus)Executive Programme - Old Syllabus
1Kriti KhandelwalTanya Kathuria
2Harsha ChoithaniKamodinee Bhartia
3Roopal GuptaRitesh Agrawal

Toppers of ICSI CS Executive Programme December 2018

Here is the list of toppers of ICSI CS Executive (Old & New Syllabus) Programme December 2018 -

RankName of the Topper (Executive Programme - New Syllabus)Executive Programme - Old Syllabus
1Bapu Venkatesam MaruvadaMallisetty Suryaprakash
2Priyanka ChawariNivedita Natarajan
3Disha LohanaAnkit Agarwal

Toppers of ICSI CS Professional Programme December 2018

Here is the list of toppers of ICSI CS Professional Programme December 2018 -

RankName of the Topper
1Varsha Panjwani
2Deepak Jain
3Harshita Jalan and Harshavardhan Sangtani

Toppers of ICSI CS Executive Programme 2017

  • In ICSI CS Executive Course, a total number of 29 students have been placed in the top 25 ranks

  • Deepak Jain secured AIR 1 and emerged as topper of ICSI CS Executive Programme

  • Yogita Gandhi bagged AIR 2

  • Honey Gajjar secured the third rank at all-India level

  • Varsha Panjwani bagged AIR 4 at all-India level

  • Dhwani Prajapati from Gujarat secured AIR 5 at all-India level

Also Read: ICAI CA Final Exams Results August 2019: List of Toppers

Toppers of ICSI CS Professional Programme 2017

  • In ICSI CS Professional Course, a total number of 40 students have been placed in the top 25 ranks

  • Twinkle Vijay Chandaria emerged as the topper of ICSI CS Professional Exam

  • Kailash Kumar Kanoria secured the second rank at all-India level

  • Ashwini Kumar Daga secured AIR 3 in the ICSI CS Professional exam

Major Highlights of ICSI CS Executive and Professional Course Results 2017

  • Twelve students from Vadodara have become Company Secretaries by qualifying the exam.

  • Girls continued to dominate the results. Out of 12 students who qualified ICSI CS exam, 8 candidates were girls.

  • Vice-Chairman of ICSI’s Vadodara Chapter, Susheela Maheswari revealed that out of 182 students who had appeared for the Module I exam of the ICSI CS Professional course, 15 have cleared the exam.

  • Similarly, out of 159 students who appeared for the Module II exam from the Vadodara chapter of ICSI, only 12 candidates have cleared the exam.

  • On the other hand, 20 out of 158 candidates cleared the Module III exam

  • As far as the ICSI CS Executive course is concerned, 28 out of 383 students have cleared the test

  • In Module II of the Executive course, 29 out of 276 students have passed the exam

  • The overall pass percentage of the Module I Executive programme is 7.61% and 10.25% for Module II

  • The overall pass percentage of the Module I Professional programme is 8.05%, 19.39% for Module II and 14.96% for Module III.

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