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ICSI CS Result 2021 Released for Professional and Executive Programmes; Check Topper List and Merit List Here!

The ISCI CS result 2021 has been published by the Institute of Company Secretaries (ICSI) on 25th February 2022. The result has been declared for both Executive and Professional programmes.

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ICSI CS Result 2021 Released: The ICSI CS result 2021 has been released today by the Institute of Company Secretaries (ICSI). Aspirants can now check the Executive and Professional programme results on the official website of ICSI ( The applicants can also get a subject basis breakdown of their marks from the official website and download them for future reference and records.

As per the schedule, the Institute of Company Secretaries (ICSI) has released the CS 2021 Professional and Executive results on February 25th, 2022. The CS result for the Professional Programme was published at 11 am while that for the Executive Programme was released at 2 pm.

ICSI CS Professional & Executive Result 2021

The Institute of Company Secretaries (ICSI) has announced the results of the CS Executive Programme (Old and New Syllabus) Examinations and the CS Professional Programme (Old and New Syllabus) Examinations for the December 2021 Session on February 25th, 2022. Candidates can also check their result-cum-marks statement soon after the result announcement.

In case a candidate does not receive a printed copy of the Result-cum-Marks Statement within 30 days of the results announcement, they should contact the Institute at with the relevant information.

Also Read: ICSI CS Result 2021 Passing Criteria

ICSI CS Professional & Executive Toppers 2021

Along with the result of ICSI CS 2021 for Professional and Executive programmes, the list of toppers has also been released on the official website of the conducting body.

ICSI CS Professional & Executive Provisional Merit List 2021

ICSI has also released the provisional merit lists for CS Professional and CS Executive programmes 2021. To check the ICSI CS 2021 All-India provisional merit list, candidates can click on the links given in the table below:

CS ExamSyllabusProvisional Merit List
ICSI CS Professional Programme 2021New SyllabusClick Here!
ICSI CS Professional Programme 2021Old SyllabusClick Here!
ICSI CS Executive Programme 2021New SyllabusClick Here!
ICSI CS Executive Programme 2021Old SyllabusClick Here!

Steps to Check ICSI CS Result 2021

Students are urged to follow the below steps to check their CS results. 

  • Aspirants need to visit the ICSI website.
  • Then they need to select the CS Result 2021 drop-down menu and then choose the programme.
  • Finally, they need to enter the Registration Number and Password to check their mark sheet.
  • Within 30 days of the release of the results, students will receive the ICSI CS result mark sheet at their home address.

The ICSI CS 2022 examination for the Executive Program and Professional Program is set for June 1st to June 10th, 2022. Potential candidates must register before February 26th, 2022.

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more latest updates on the ICSI CS 2021 results. Share your queries through the Q&A Zone or call the helpline number 1800-572-9877.

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