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IIT JAM 2024: Admission form to be released on April 10, important details

IIT JAM admission process 2024 will be started on April 10, 2024 with the counselling application form fill up process. The eligible candidates should visit the official website to participate in the IIT JAM admission process 2024. 

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IIT JAM 2024 Admission Form: The IIT Madras will start the IIT JAM admission process on April 10, 2024. For the same, the authority will start the admission process with the counselling application form fill up process. Candidates who have qualified for the IIT JAM 2024 exam, will be eligible to participate in the IIT JAM 2024 counselling process. This year, a total of 3000 seats in IITs will be filled via the IIT JAM admission process. Apart from that, the IIT JAM scores will be considered for admission to fill out 2000 seats in IISc. 

The IIT JAM Admission process comprises steps like filling out the application form, uploading documents, releasing the admission list, and paying the admission fee. Note, that the IIT JAM 2024 admission process will be conducted in 4 rounds. Soon the authority will release the complete schedule of the IIT JAM 2024 admission process on the official website. 

IIT JAM 2024 Admission Process: Important Details

Here are the important details related to the IIT JAM 2024 admission process:

  • To participate in the IIT JAM 2024 counselling application form fill-up process, the candidates should pay a non-refundable fee of Rs 750. Note, that Foreign Nationals with an Indian degree can fill out the counselling application form
  • The authority will release the IIT JAM admission list along with the opening and closing ranks
  • If the candidates will be allotted a seat, they should “Accept and Feeze” the seat and confirm their reservation
  • After the declaration of each round, the candidates should pay an advanced seat booking fee of Rs 15000 (whereas the amount is Rs 7500 for the reserved category candidates)
  • The authority has the right to reject the IIT JAM admission if the candidates will not upload the valid and requisite documents or if they will not pay the fees in the stipulated time

Keep visiting CollegeDekho for the latest Education News on entrance exams, board exams and admissions. You can also write to us at our email ID news@collegedekho.com.

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