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Indian Army Recruitment Exam 2023 starts today, Check important instructions

The Indian Army Recruitment Examination 2023 starts today, April 17 and will be held till April 26, 2023. Test-takers must go through the important instructions below to avoid any confusion at the last moment.

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Indian Army Recruitment Exam 2023 starts today: The Indian Army Recruitment exam 2023 begins today, April 17, 2023, and will continue until April 26, 2023. As per the schedule, the examination will be conducted in three shifts. Shift 1 will be held from 8.30 am to 9.30 am, Shift 2 from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm, and Shift 3 from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm. All the shifts will be held for one hour. Besides, the examination will be held in two phases - Phase I and Phase II. Phase I will be held online in various test centers. Phase II will be a recruitment rally organized by the Army Research Office at the Rally Venue. 

The important instructions for the Indian Army Recruitment exam 2023 are mentioned in the recent notice below. Candidates can check out the official notification for more clarity. Additionally, the instructions have been listed in bulletins for convenience. 

Indian Army Recruitment Exam 2023: Important Instructions

Candidates must know the important instructions for the Indian Army Recruitment exam 2023 to avoid any inconvenience at the exam venue: 

  • Candidates should bring their admit card today along with authentic identity proof to be allowed for the examination.

  • For all the shifts, candidates should appear one hour before the exam commences.

  • Once the main gates are closed, no applicant will be permitted to enter the examination hall.

  • Candidates should not bring any electronic devices like mobile phones, gadgets, laptops, or Bluetooth speakers to the test venue. If found, the candidate’s paper can be disqualified. 

  • Applicants must adhere to the Covid-19 rules - maintain social distancing, carry a hand sanitizer, and wear a mask in the examination hall. 

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