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Indian Team Wins Gold and Silver Medals in Zurich Physics Olympiad

The National coordinator of Science Olympiad said that it is the second best performance by the Indian students in its 19 years of participation.

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A team of five students from India won three gold and two silver medals in Zurich Physics Olympiad. It is an international competition which is conducted in the month of July. Students from 84 nations took part in this Olympiad.

Preey Shah who is just 17 years old won a gold medal in the Olympiad. He cultivated interest in the Physics Olympiad after he took part in the Junior Olympiad. He said that research activities are very interesting which not only improve the knowledge but also brings out the hidden talents. He mentioned that the preparation process has been very interesting and helped to develop our analytical skills.

Preey Shah secured 93.2 percent in HSC examinations. He is pursuing Computer Science at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

He opined that there is a need to promote pure science among the students and Olympiad has done the same thing. The following students secured Gold Medals:-

  • Debaditya Pramanik (Kolkata)
  • Gowtham Amirthya (Hyderabad)

Silver Medals were won by:-

  • Manan Bhatia (Lucknow)
  • Divyansh Garg (Jaipur)

The National coordinator of Science Olympiad said that it is the second best performance by the Indian students in its 19 years of participation. The team was felicitated at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

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