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JEECUP 2023 New Exam Date Released

The entrance examination for Polytechnic courses in UP i.e. JEECUP 2023 New Exam dates have been released by the council. Check the schedule for admit card and test here.

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The Joint Entrance Examination Council - Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP) for Polytechnic has released the new exam dates for JEECUP 2023 Exam on its website. As per the revised schedule, the JEECUP 2023 exam will be held from August 2 to August 7, 2023. The council decided to postpone the examination due to some unexplained causes. The applicants will be able to download the JEECUP Admit Card 2023 from July 27, 2023 onwards. 

JEECUP 2023 Polytechnic New Exam Dates

As the exam dates have been revised by JEECUP from July 26 to August 2, 2023, it is highly expected that the release dates of the answer key and JEECUP Result 2023 will also be delayed. Check the JEEC UP new exam dates 2023 and other events here:



JEECUP Admit Card 2023 Release

July 27, 2023

JEECUP 2023 Exam Date

August 2 to 7, 2023 (Revised)

Official Website

Before appearing for the JEECUP 2023 exam, the candidates should have knowledge about the exam pattern. The JEECUP exam will be conducted in the online mode and the duration of the exam will be 2 hours 30 minutes. Also, the candidates will be asked a total of 100 multiple-choice questions in the JEECUP exam 2023. For every correct question, the candidates will get 4 marks and there will be no negative marking for the incorrectly marked answers. 
The candidates appearing in the UP Polytechnic Entrance Examination 2023 will have to clear the minimum JEECUP Cutoff 2023 to get a name on the merit list. Later, based on the merit list, the students will be allotted a polytechnic diploma course and an institute in Uttar Pradesh based on their preferences in JEECUP Counselling 2023. 

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