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JNU Uploads Details of 8,482 Degrees on National Academic Depository (NAD)

JNU has uploaded the academic details of students such as their degree/diploma Ph.D. certificates and academic rewards on National Academic Depository (NAD). The main objective of uploading JNU degrees on NAD is to curb the forgery of documentation.

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In a major step towards digitization, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) uploaded 8,482-degree files to the 24/7 online storehouse of all academic awards, i.e., NAD (National Academic Depository).

Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates of BA, MA, M.Phil and Ph.D of JNU students from 2014-2018 have been uploaded on NAD till now. The administration feels that both the stakeholders of NAD i.e., the students and the institutions can access the academic records of students without compromising the confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of the database.

Also Read: JNU MBA Admissions 2019 Open

The main objective of uploading JNU degrees on NAD is to curb the forgery of documentation. The academic records of students are uploaded in a digital format consisting of photographs and other relevant information inscribed upon it. It also means the students cannot upload any detail pertaining to academics of degrees from their end.

Availability of academic details of a student will help stakeholders in various ways. For example, an employer can get authenticated information of a candidate while NAD will notify the candidate on his/her registered details.

Also Read: JNU Entrance Exam 2019 to be Conducted in May

As of now, there is no registration and AMC (Annual Maintenance Fee) for Academic Institutions as well as for students who can view and download their academic awards free of cost.

The NAD was launched on 05 September 2011, and currently caters to almost 963 private, state, central, school boards, centrally funded and deemed institutions for online access/ retrieval/verification of digitized academic awards.

For the latest JNU news and updates, stay tuned to CollegeDekho.

Written by Abhik Das

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